Beast River Fitness – WOD
Clean and Jerk (1-1-1-1-1)
Let’s put the Clean and Jerk Together. This number will be considered you 100% and percentage in training will be based off this number.
With the Clean, no other part of your body may touch the platform and your elbows cannot come in contact with your knees while in the bottom of the squat. In the Jerk, you cannot have any deviation in the elbows (no press out) and no other part of your body can touch the floor (sometimes a back knee makes contact).
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
With a Partner:
3 x AMRAP 3min
4 Push Press (95/65, 45/35)
4 Burpee over the Bar – Lateral
–Rest 1 min–
You Go – I Go fashion
Look to go fast and transition faster.
Switch every full round with a partner. Only one person works at a time.
All reps count.