Beast River Fitness – WOD
Metcon (Time)
800m Run
80 DU
40 DB Snatches (50/35)
400m run
40 DU
20 DB Snatches
200m Run
20 DU
10 DB Snatches
Your workout of the day!
800m Run
80 DU
40 DB Snatches (50/35)
400m run
40 DU
20 DB Snatches
200m Run
20 DU
10 DB Snatches
With a partner…
6 RNDs
250/200 Row
10 Weighted Push-ups
6 RNDs
15/12c Bike
20 KBS
6 RNDs
200m Run
10 Weighted Pull-ups
Alternate full rounds with partner.
Can use Weight Vests or hold weights.
Push-ups: 25 / 10 Pound plate on upper back.
Pull-ups: Hold 20/10 DB between feet
3 X 3 @ 80%
PAUSING Front Squat
3s Pause in the bottom DEAD STOP
Drive out of the hole.
Squat to Clean depth.
%: / 80.80.80
6: No Pause
4: Slow Decent
3: Slow Decent
2: 3s Pause
10 RNDs
10 Front Rack Lunges (75/55, 45/35))
35 Double Unders / Singles
Find a 3RM in the split jerk. This will be less than your max because of the need to re-rack and re-organize. However, it’s a good drill to focus hitting 3 consecutive lifts.
Big Breathe and Stay Braced.
Row cals.
Shoulder to Overhead (115/85, 75,55)
Row conversion for today. Male/Female:
2 Weeks out: Build to hit previous 1RM better than week 1.
– Elbow lockouts are the only thing that matters to the judge.
– Lockouts more important than squat depth.
AMRAP 7 min
5 Power Snatchtes (60% 1 RM)
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
3 sets complex:
1 Clean Pull + 1 Squat Clean
@ 80%
1-1-1 / 1-1-1
%: 55: 65-75 / 80-80-80
4 RNDs
200m Run
5 Deadlifts (155/105, 95/65)
4 Hang Power Cleans
3 Push Jerks
1 Split Jerk
Cap 16min.
Pick a weight to go unbroken on the jerks.
20/16c Row
75 DU
20 Alt. DB Hang Snatch (50/35)
15 TTB / Hang Knee raises
Partner Workout
6 RNDs (alternating w/partner)
15/12c Assault Bike
2 Wall Walks
6 RNDs (alternating w/partner)
30 KBS – American
20 Single Leg V-ups – alt.
6 RNDs (alternating w/partner)
8 Renegade Rows (1 push up 2 pulls=1)
100′ Bear Crawl
– One partner completes full round while other rests.
– Complete all 6 RNDs before moving on to the next set of movements