Beast River Fitness – WOD
Clean (2-2-2-2-2)
Heavy Double Clean
Reset or TNG
Metcon (Time)
3 RNDs
400m run
15 P. Cleans (115/85, 75/55)
50 DU
Cap 15
RX+: 155/105
Your workout of the day!
Heavy Double Clean
Reset or TNG
3 RNDs
400m run
15 P. Cleans (115/85, 75/55)
50 DU
Cap 15
RX+: 155/105
2 Push Press
1 Jerk Split Jerk
Build to a heavy single
Tabata: :20 on / :20 off
5 RNDs each
1: Pull-ups
– Rest 1 min
2: Push-ups
– Rest 1 min
3: Air Squats
– Rest 1 min
*Score is the sum total reps of ALL movements.
RX+: Weighted Vest
2 x 5 heavy Back Squats
Build to a heavy double for 2 sets
Approaching 90%-100% of Front Squat 1RM.
– It’s been a second so don’t over extend on the weight. Better to move lighter weight with good form on this lift we have not seen in a couple months.
Wall Balls
Row Cals
TRACK WOD: Partner – Meet at Track
20 Push-ups + Hold a plank or hollow while until partner finishes their run.
Each partner runs 1 leg of the race. (200,400,800,400,200)
RX+: 30 Push-ups
Heavy single Power Clean
4 RNDs
60 DU / 100 SU
10 Hang Squat Cleans (115/85, 75/55)
5 Push-ups
10 Alternating Reverse Lunges
15 Pull-ups / Jumping pull-ups
*Every 5 min = 400m run
* Start 0:00 with Run
Rx+: Weighted Vest 20/14
10 RNDs
5 Power Snatches (115/85, 75/55)
15 Sit-ups
RX+: 135/95
Push-Press 6*6*4*4*2*2*2
10 Ring Rows
15 V-up
30 DU / 6- SU
Build to a Heavy 2
– Take your time on the Push Press to get tight (this part is not for time)
– Can partner with someone using similar weight.
Heavy Double in 12 min
– This won’t be an all time max.
– Something heavy that looks good and moves smooth.
E3MOM x 5 RNDs
10 Deadlifts
10 Burpees over Bar
Weight should be around 50-60% of 2 RM
Pick a weight to go unbroken
– Rest in remaining time.
400m Run (together)
300 Air Squats
250 Sit-ups
200 Push-ups
100 Pull-ups
400m Run (together)
RX+: Weighted 20/15 vest
– Runs are together at beginning and at the end.
– Break up other BW movements as determined by partners in ANY order.
– 1 partner works at a time on BW movements.