Beast River Fitness – WOD
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds
500/400m Row
20 Ring Rows
20 Sit-ups
20 Russian Twists
20 Body Saw
4 Rounds
500/400m Row
20 Ring Rows
20 Sit-ups
20 Russian Twists
20 Body Saw
3 sec down,
2 sec stop
Fast Drive Up!
Get 3 sets @ 55%-60%
Warm-up: 8-6-4
8 – Regular tempo (Light)
6 – 3s down (Light + 10-20#)
4 – 3s down, 1 sec pause (+10#)
Focus on position as if you caught a heavy clean and fast drive from a dead stop!
50 DB Lunge Steps (2×50/35 lb)
20 Handstand Push-Ups
40 DB Lunges Steps
10 Handstand Push-Ups
30 DB Lunge Steps
5 Handstand Push-Ups
Time Cap: 15 minutes
50 DB Lunge Steps (2×50/35 lb)
30 Handstand Push-Ups
40 DB FR Lunges Steps
20 Handstand Push-Ups (deficit 3.5/2″)
30 DB OH Lunge Steps
10 Handstand Push-Ups
Rx+: Deficit HSPU
Lunge in place.
2 Push Press + 1 Split Jerk
Get 5 sets @ 50%
Work on drive and speed with a lighter bar. At 50% a strong lockout should be easily accomplished.
Get a few lighter sets in of both Push Press and Split Jerk for technique Practice.
Suggested: Hold the final split jerk receiving position for 2 seconds and the finished standing position for 2 seconds.
Row Cals
Double Unders
1 Snatch Pull + 1 High Hang Snatch + 1 OHS
Every :90 (9min)
– Get 3 @ 70% – (7/10 Heavy)
%’s: 55.60.65 / 70.70.70
– Hook Grip
– Control the bar off the ground passed the knees.
– Pull-under the Bar
– Elbow Lockouts.
– Control OHS
EMOM x 12min
m1: Overhead Bar Hold (:45s)
m2: Max KBS – Russian
m3: Max Sit-up
Score is total KBS and Sit-ups.
Subtract -10 reps if athlete cannot hold bar OH for full :45 seconds
Use 40-50% of 1 RM or 10-20# less than Snatch Complex.
2 P. Cleans + 1 Front squat
Get 3 @ 80%
%:55.65.75 / 80.80.80
– Fast Elbows and pull under to meet the bar, some may have to squat clean this.
With Partner… 8 RNDs total
18/14c Row
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Alternate every full round.
Send it.
With a partner.. 14 RNDs Total
15 Wall Balls
1 Rope Climb
5 Shuttle Run – 25′ (Down AND Back)
Get 3 @ 80%
%: 55.65.75 / 80.80.80
5 Pull-Ups
10 KBS – American 53/35
20 DU
BTN Split Jerk
(Behind The Neck)
3 sets @ 75% (8/10)
%: 55.65.70 / 75.75.75
– The bar comes out of the rack and off the back. This puts the bar in a better line for the athlete to push under the bar and quickly.
– Focus on pushing under the bar fast to lock out.
– If athlete cannot land with fully locked out arms they must lower the weight. = NO REPS
Row Cals
DBL KB Push Press (53/35, 35/26)
Can sub DBs
2 Power Snatch + 1 OHS
Every :90 (9min)
-Get 3 @ 80% – (8/10 Heavy)
%’s: 65.70.75 / 80.80.80
– Hook Grip
– Control the bar off the ground passed the knees.
– Elbow Lockouts.
– Control OHS
EMOM x 4 Rounds
m1: Ring Rows
m2: OH Lunges (75/55, 45/35)
m3: HR Push-ups
Score is total reps.
Leave :10-:15 to transition
Lunges can be backward or forward.
Look to focus on stability overhead with fully locked elbows for the lunges.
Let’s put the Clean and Jerk Together. This number will be considered you 100% and percentage in training will be based off this number.
With the Clean, no other part of your body may touch the platform and your elbows cannot come in contact with your knees while in the bottom of the squat. In the Jerk, you cannot have any deviation in the elbows (no press out) and no other part of your body can touch the floor (sometimes a back knee makes contact).
With a Partner:
3 x AMRAP 3min
4 Push Press (95/65, 45/35)
4 Burpee over the Bar – Lateral
–Rest 1 min–
You Go – I Go fashion
Look to go fast and transition faster.
Switch every full round with a partner. Only one person works at a time.
All reps count.