REMINDER: Order by Wednesday night (25SEP13) for Kettlebell Kitchen delivery on Monday!
Top 10 reasons to come to the 6am class
1. Smaller class sizes, more 1-on-1 attention.
2. Coach is still half asleep, you might get to count those first few quarter squats.
3. Crossing Tompkins Square Park at 5:45am is kind of like a Warrior Dash.
4. Coach’s Epic Bed Head.
5. You haven’t had time to cheat on your Paleo Diet yet.
6. Your boss or the person who annoys you at work is still asleep, which makes you superior to them in every way.
7. You’re almost guaranteed a ridiculous CASH OUT.
8. All Michael Jackson from 6-7 (Prince may make an appearance from time to time).
9. Deep discussion of the latest “Breaking Bad” episode (also “Sons of Anarchy” and Steven Seagal Movies).
10. Hashtag Free Environment #nohashtags
LuRong Living Triplet Teaser
18min time cap to complete:
21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6 and 3 reps of:
Wall balls
Box jumps
Level 1
Men 14# ball, 85# deadlift, 16″ box
Women 10# ball, 55# deadlift, 12″ box
Level 2
Men 20# ball, 105# deadlift, 20″ box
Women 14# ball, 65# deadlift, 16″ box
Level 3
Men 20# ball, 115# deadlift, 24″ box
Women 14# ball, 75# deadlift, 20″ box