👻🍿Movie Nights! – Thursday 14th and 21st 7:30pm @ the gym
💪 ReVis Week: Oct 18th (Re-Visiting from week of Aug. 23rd)
🤝 Fundraiser workout Forging Youth Resilience: Sat 16th (suggested $10-$25 to fundraiser)
🎃👻 Halloween Workout Sat 30th – DRESS UP! Costumes Welcome & Encouraged!
Beast River Fitness – WOD
“Roses that are left unpruned can become a tangled mess of old and new canes, all competing for air and light.” – Elizabeth Roth
Power Snatch (5-4-3-2-1)
Every :90 x 5 RNDs
Build to a heavy Power Snatch.
Heavier than workout weight.
Power Snatch
After each round:
7 Burpees
2 Rope Climbs
115/85, 75/55, 45/35
Rx+: 135/95
Scale Rope Climbs:
A) 1 Rope Climb
B) 2 Hand over hand rope pulls
C) 3 Strict Pull-ups
Bring high socks for rope climbs.