Beast River Fitness – WOD
“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” – Mother Theresa
21c / 15c Row
15 Thrusters (115/85, 95/95)
9 Burpees over Bar
– rest 1m between rounds
cap: 30m
“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” – Mother Theresa
21c / 15c Row
15 Thrusters (115/85, 95/95)
9 Burpees over Bar
– rest 1m between rounds
cap: 30m
800m run
80 DU / 160 SU
60 Box Jump Overs
40 V-Ups
“No one was ever wise by chance.” – Seneca
5 Rounds For Reps:
1 Minute: Rope Climbs
1 Minute: Dumbbell Snatches (70/50) – Alternating
1 Minute: Calorie Row
1 Minute – Rest
Score = Sum Total of all Reps
“Do not fear failure. But be terrified of regret.” – Ashley Soughtley Spaulding
Pull-ups – ME-3
– ME-3 (Max Effort – 3 reps)
– Don’t go to failure, keep 3 reps in the tank.
– Aim for consistency over 5 sets.
5×4 @ 80% – 85%
Sets across.
Earlier sets will be easier than later sets. Build to 85% quickly and when you are no longer able to complete 5 successfully drop weight t0 75%
No measure?
– Build to a heavy 4
4 RNDs
20/14c Row
20 Push-ups
Time Cap: 10min
25/18 Row
25 Push-ups
“The soul is like a bowl of water.” – Epictetus
5×3 @ 80%
Heavier than last week, but NO pausing.
– Focus on speed out of the bottom with good mid-foot pressure.
– Control the descent, but fast stand.
– Heavier than last week by 5-10#s
Burpee to 6″ target
Double Dumbbell Box Step Overs (50/35)(24″/20″)
*Target is 6″ above reach
“What looks like talent is often careful preparation. What looks like skill is often persistent revision.” – James Clear
in 8min
Build to heavier than workout weight
3 RNDs
400m Run
12 Deadlifts @ Bodyweight
21 Box Jumps
“Build before you have to.” – James Clear
5 RNDs
50-ft. DB Front Rack Walking Lunge
20 Pull-ups
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I’ll remember. Involve me, and I’ll learn.” – Benjamin Franklin
20 Sit-ups
30 Toes-to-Bar
40 Single-Arm DB Clean and Jerk (Alternating)
50 DB Box Step Overs (24/20)
40 Single-Arm DB Snatch (Alternating)
30 Toes-to-Bar
20 Sit-ups
“It doesn’t matter when we start. It doesn’t matter where we start. All that matters is that we start.”
5min of Practice
Headstand / Handstand hold
– Tripod Headstand
– Wall facing Handstand
– Freestanding Handstand
1a) Tripod Headstand
1b) Tripod Headstand knees off
1c) Tripod Headstand: legs straight
2) Wall facing
3) Free standing
Complex: 7 sets of:
Snatch Deadlift w/ Shrug from floor + Hang Squat Snatch
Every :90sec x 7sets
“Push down to go up”
– Focus on leg drive here and push feet into the floor to stand up.
– Building in weight
1) Stand the bar up from the floor using proper snatch setup
2) Lower the bar to the Above The Knee Hang Position and complete a full squat snatch.
AMRAP 8min
5 Hang Power Snatch
10 OHS
20 DU
– Bar should be very light here.
– Should be able to cycle these reps unbroken when fresh
Pull-ups – ME-3
– ME-3 (Max Effort – 3 reps)
– Don’t go to failure, keep 3 reps in the tank.
– Aim for consistency over 5 sets.
5×5 @ 75% – 80%
Sets across.
Earlier sets will be easier than later sets. Build to 80% quickly and when you are no longer able to complete 5 successfully drop weight t0 75%
No measure?
– Build to a heavy 5
V-Ups / Knee Tucks