Modified Schedule Next Week: 12/19 – 12/24.
Mon &Tues: 7:30 pm canceled
Weds / Thurs / Fri: Modified midday classes:9:30a- 12:30p
🎄 12 Days of Christmas WOD on 12/22
Beast River Fitness – WOD
Strength / Skill (AMRAP – Reps)
A. Max Strict HSPU:
4 Rounds of 30s Max HSPU
Rest 60s.
B. DBL DB Reverse Lunge to Box Step-up:
3 sets x 4p/side
1 = 1reverse Lunge + 1 Box Step up
*Scaling = hand release push-ups, deficit push-ups, pike box hspu
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Rounds
2:00 Minute AMRAP / 1:00 Minute Rest:
300/250m Row
In remaining time,
Max reps single DB thruster(50/35)
*Switch arms as needed.
Scale Thruster weight to allow for large unbroken sets
Cap the row at 1:15 and scale the distance to allow athletes to finish in time