Beast River Fitness – WOD
Metcon (Time)
60 Burpees
50 KBS – American (53/35)
40 Hand Release Push-ups
30 Toes 2 Bar
20 Goblet Squats (53/35 KB)
10 C2B / Pull-ups
Scale: Volume 1/4 or 1/2
RX+: (70/53), 10 BMU or RMU
Your workout of the day!
60 Burpees
50 KBS – American (53/35)
40 Hand Release Push-ups
30 Toes 2 Bar
20 Goblet Squats (53/35 KB)
10 C2B / Pull-ups
Scale: Volume 1/4 or 1/2
RX+: (70/53), 10 BMU or RMU
1 Mile Run
100′ Bear Crawl
100 Russian Twists w/ Plate(every touch counts)
100 Mtn. Climbers
50 Abmat Sit-ups
50 Plate G2O
25/18c Bike
25 Hollow Rocks
200m Run
Plate 25 lb / 15 lb
%: 40-50-60 / 65-65-65
Mid cycle mini-deload. Work in light/medium weight. 60-65%. Reset/fix any form errors / breakdowns that crept up during the last couple weeks.
10 RNDs
10 Lunges (75/55)
30 DU / 60 SU
Cap 12
Rx: 75/55
Scale: 45/35
Rx+: 95/65
5 RNDs
400m Run
5 HSPU (can kip)
5 Shoulder 2 Overhead (Body Weight)
Scale HSPU:
a) 10 Shoulder 2 Overhead
b) Negatives 1-3 abmats
c) Piked Push-ups
Scale Options S2O:
3/4 Body Weight
1/2 Body Weight
1/4 Body Weight
HSPU Strict
1 1/4 Body Weight
Sets across.
2 Power Snatch 77%-85%
– Catch Focus on pulling and catching the bar high
– The bar should be moderate/heavy enough to complete all reps aiming for consistent catches.
AMRAP 12min
25 V-up / Knee tucks
15 Box Jumps / Step ups
8-12 Ring Rows
For Time:
1000/800m Row
21 Deadlifts (Body Weight)
15 Pull-ups
500/400m Row
15 Deadlifts
9 Pull-ups
250/200m Row
Rx: Body Weight
Scale: 1/4 Body Weight, 1/2 Body Weight
Rx+: 1.5 Body Weight + C2B
EMOM x 15min
1) 8-10 DB Bench Press
2) 50 DU / DU Practice :30
3) :30 Hollow Hold
Devil’s Press (50s/35s)
Partner WOD:
12 Rnds (6/each)
A: Runs 200m
B: Works
1) Rope Climbs / Peg Board
2) Wall Balls (20/14)
3) KBS (53/35)
4) Rope Climbs / Peg Board
5) Wall Balls
6) KBS
%: 40,50,60 / 75, 85, 95
Pushing higher percentage at end of first Wendler min-cycle.
After today we will deload a week at 65% and restart 555 adding 5% to your previous start. So, make sure you hit this weight clean.
Partners working at the same time.
A: Max Calorie Row
B: 20 DB Snatches Alt.
RX: 50/35
Scaled: 35/20
Both partners work at the same time. If one partner stops; both stop.
2 Scores: Calories AND Total Snatches completed.
Score 1: Total Row Cals
Score 2: Total Snatches
If both partners complete 50 snatches, then their score is 100 total for the DB snatch portion.
Row calories
Cals from Saved by the bell.
EMOM x 30
1) :30 Handstand Hold
2) 200m Run
3) 3 Push Press (3-3-3-3-3)
4) 10 C2B / Pull-ups
5) 3 HSPU Slow Negatives / Pike Slow Negatives
6) Rest
Can Deficit the HSPU
Stand out or Kip out of negatives
Push Press %:
Push press comes from the floor to save space.
Build to heavier that 5 reps from 2 weeks ago.
“score” for tracking purposes can be abmats or deficit distance used for negatives. “new abmats” are approximately 2.5″