Your workout of the day!
10 minute EMOM:
30 seconds L-Sit on rings
ME x Double Unders
Score = total double unders
2 rounds for time of:
20 Box Jumps 30″
5 muscle-ups or 15 C2B Pull-ups
30 Box Jumps 24″
5 muscle-ups or 20 Ring Dips
40 Box Jumps 20″
5 muscle-ups or 15 C2B Pull-ups
#BeastBarbell weightlifters ONLY
WODIFY is officially live for performance tracking ONLY.
Monday’s WOD is posted on WODIFY. You can also view a public whiteboard here:
Take sometime tonight and SHAVE DOWN your calluses and MOISTURIZE your hands.
Tomorrow’s workout is posted on WODIFY.
Every current member should have received an e-mail today with your log-in credentials for WODIFY.
MindBody is still our system for registering for classes and billing until we fully transfer.
We’re aiming to make the transition as soon as possible. Please let us know if you have any issues logging into WODIFY.
Max, then drop sets @ 95% and 90%
Use 90% of Tuesday
Below Knee, Hang, Power
1) Conditioning
For 12 minutes:
1 Muscle Up every 30 seconds
8 Hollow Body V-Ups + 8 Ring Dips every minute
2) Open 2012.3
18 minute AMRAP
15 Box Jumps (24/20″)
12 Push Press (95/65)
9 T2B
Social Media Milestones:
-We donated 46 bricks (138 check-ins) to build schools in August. While that’s a job well done, that’s down roughly 100 check-ins from July’s SweatAngel Challenge.
-We hit 2,000+ likes on Facebook, THANK YOU 🙂
-This month’s SweatAngel charity is The Animal Rescue Site. Each check-in will provide 1 week of meals for a rescued animal.
WODIFY Migration:
-Beginning Monday, September 8th, we will begin moving from MindBody (our current software) to WODIFY.
-WODIFY is much more than a membership software. It’s jam-packed with performance tracking features that we’re absolutely positive will help bring everyone’s fitness and nutrition games up a notch.
-To make the transition as seamless as possible, we’re going to have a phased transition from MBO to WODIFY. Here’s the tentative timeline:
8 SEP: WODIFY is live for WOD Tracking and Retail Transactions (you’ll be e-mailed a WODIFY login)
15 SEP: WODIFY must be used to register for WODs/classes
22 SEP: Athletes must have a digital waiver in WODIFY (sorry if you’ve already done one in MBO)
30 SEP: MindBody access will be disabled, WODIFY 100%
1) 2 Power Cleans + Push Press
Find max for the complex, drop sets @ 95% and 90%
2) 2 Front Squats + 3 Back Squats
Find max for the complex, drop sets @ 95% and 90%
3) Press
Find 3RM, drop sets @ 3×95% and 3×90%
Labor Day WOD @ 1300
Work up to a deficit 5RM
Drop sets 5@-2″, 5@-4″.
2) “Kelly” Refer to 25JUL13
Five rounds for time of:
400m run
30 box jumps (24″/20″)
30 wall balls (20#/14#)