Beast River Fitness – WOD
“No one was ever wise by chance” – Seneca
Let’s pretend we have two individuals out hiking in the woods.
The first trips over a root, and after scrambling back to his feet, kicks the root in frustration and storms off. The second individual trips over the very same root as well, but has a different response. After gathering himself, he looks around, refreshing himself of the importance to scan the path ahead. He then moves on, now paying closer attention to the ground in front of him.
One took the effort to learn from it, one did not.
Wisdom isn’t by chance. It is by choice.
1: Back Squat (3-3-X (w/ 1s pause in bottom))
-Work up to your 3 rep back squat from Monday.
-For your final work set do that weight for as many reps as possible.
2: Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds For Time:
15 Burpees
12 Dumbbell Rows From Plank (6 Each Side)
9 Double Dumbbell Clean and Jerks
Rx+ = 135/95 barbell, Deadlifts / GTO