Beast River Fitness – WOD
“Never confuse movement, with action.” – Ernest Hemingway
Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM x 6min
Min 1: 5 Beat Swing + 3-5 Pull-ups (strict)
Min 2: 3-5 Kip Knee Elbows
Opt1: 3-5 Band Assist or Regular @ Body Weight
Opt2: Weighted with DB between legs
– Push down on the bar and engage core and lats for controlled Beat ‘kip’ swings
– Come off and reset for the strict Pull-ups
– Knees to elbows use large kips and really push-down on the bar to ring eye to bar level.
Push Press (5-3-1-2-3-3-3)
Build to Heavy 3 in 15min
– Should not take long. Small muscles. Don’t take too many sets to build as this will fatigue your shoulders.
– Build and rest before that big set and walk.
Metcon (Time)
4 RNDs
3 Wall Walks
6 Dips
9 Row cals
12 V-ups
– Band Assist Dip or Bench Dips