WOD – Fri, Oct 21
October 21, 2022Uncategorized
Beast River Fitness – WOD
Strength (2 Rounds for weight)
EMOM x 10min
A: Chin-Ups
B: HSPU / DB Strict Press
HSPU = 3 reps (3-3-3-3-3)
DB Strict Press = 5 Reps (5-5-5-5-5)
For the chin-ups, work up to a challenging 3 rep set. Here are 3 versions of this going from hardest to most accessible. For all version use a controlled tempo and full range of motion.
a. Weighted Chin-Ups
b. Strict Chin-Ups
c. Banded
For the HSPU athletes can do Negatives or find a deficit . The Strict Press, athletes can build to a challenging 5.
a. Strict or to plate deficit
b. Negative with or without Kip-out
c. 1-3 abmats
Single DB Hang Clean & Push Press – alternating @ 5 reps
Single-leg V-ups – alternating
Rx: 50/35
Cap 10 min