CrossFit East River – WOD
Clean (A1) Every 90 sec x 3 sets
8 Burpee over Bar +
5 Power Cleans @ (70-75% 1RM)
A2) Every 90 sec x 3 sets
8 Burpee over Bar +
2 Squat Cleans at same load)
– This strength session adds some metabolic fatigue before lifting.
– This will help translate over to workouts with heavy barbell cycling.
– Try to keep the transition from burpee to barbell short to get the feel of lifting while out of breath.
“Snake” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
ARMAP 14min
4 Box Jumps
6 DBL DB Power Cleans (50/35s)
8 DBL DB Front Rack Lunge Steps (50/35s)
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest for 1 minute
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
8 DBL DB Front Rack Lunge Steps (50/35s)
6 DBL DB Power Cleans (50/35s)
4 Box Jumps
Rest for 1 minute
Repeat from the top
DB cycling and gymnastics
Target – The sets on the DB movements should be small enough to start unbroken, but grip may become a factor forcing members to plan smart breaks on all movements. The CTB should be done in roughly 3 sets or less in order to avoid anyone standing at the bar for too long. The 1 minute rest should be just enough to recover the grip slightly but will not be enough to fully recover for the next set.
Feel – High intensity and grip endurance.
Flow – Rest 1:00 after each set. The workout is performed in a continuous snake pattern meaning the order of movements in each set is reversed. Lunges are in place.