CrossFit East River – WOD
Warm-Up / Body Heat
20 second Forward and Back Line Hops
20 second Side to Side Line Hops
20 second Bend and Bow
20/20 second Single Leg Toe Touches
Barbell Prep
3 Sets, Building Loads
Hang Snatch High Pull
Hang Power Snatch
Overhead Squat
Snatch Balance
Squat Snatch
Snatch Complex (5 Rounds for weight)
Every 2:00 minutes, 5 Sets
2 Hang Power Snatch + 1 TnG Squat Snatch
Perform all sets between 80-90% of 1RM Power Snatch.
Reset in the hip each time. Do not rush these and ‘touch and go’ them through the hip. Embrace the time under tension. The complex must be unbroken.
Momentum (Time)
7 Rounds for Time
7 Hang Power Snatch
9 Push Press
35 Double Unders
Barbell: 95/65lb, 43/30kg
Goal: 7:00-11:00
Time Cap: 12:00
Primary Objective: Remain Unbroken on all movements
Secondary Objective: Complete each round of the triplet in under 1:45
Stimulus: Barbell Cycling and Efficiency
RPE: 8/10
[Levels: Momentum] (Time)
Level 2:
Barbell: 75/55lb, 32/25kg
Level 1:
7 Rounds for Time
7 Hang Power Snatch
9 Push Press
50 Single Unders
Barbell: 45/35lb, 20/15kg
Masters 55+:
Barbell: 75/55lb, 32/25kg
Barbell: 115/75lb, 52/34kg
Big Class Option:
As prescribed
7 Rounds for Time
7 Dual Dumbbell Hang Snatch
9 Dual Dumbbell Push Press
35 Double Unders
PRVN Recovery #8
1:00 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
1;00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00 Childs Pose
Optional Accessories (5 Rounds for weight)
5 Sets, For Quality
5 Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
50ft (15m) Single Arm DB Overhead Carry
5 Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
50ft (15m) Single Arm DB Overhead Carry
Rest 30 seconds
30 second Weighted Wall Sit
Rest 60 second between sets
Warm-Up Mobility
2 Sets, For Quality
20 second Wall Thoracic Extensions
30/30 second Kettlebell Hip Shift
1:00 minute Alternating 90-90 Hip Switch
10/10 x 90-90 Get-up s