Your workout of the day!
Kalsu variation partner workout
100 Barbell Thrusters
p1: 5 Burpees + Max Thrusters
p2: 200m Run
s: 95/65
x: 135/95
Cap: 30
*Switch when partner comes back.
*Finished when hit 100 thrusters.
Take on a partner HERO WOD Kalsu.
Both partners are working at the same time but on different movements.
Intent – High intensity partner WOD
Feel – Members should look to find a pace that allows for steady movement. Both movements will keep the HR high and the running should fatigue the legs enough to make the weight challenging.
5 Alternating sets of:
a) 2 Turkish Get-ups / side
B) 3 Seated Box Jumps
*step down/reset focus on vertical height, try to reach & touch a high ring or object overhead as a target
C) 12 Sec Max Effort Assault Bike Sprint @ 100% effort
Rest 1 min between efforts
Seated Box Jumps
AMEAP 12 minutes:
4 Wall Walks
8 Box Jump Overs 24/20 inches
12 V-Ups
Top scores: aim for 8+ rounds
Minimum goals: 6+ rounds
12 min amrap:
4 inch worms
8 box step ups 20/16in
12 sit ups
Intent – Classic CrossFit conditioning work with small bottlenecks.
Target – Top scores: 8 rounds or more. Minimum goals: 6+ rounds. We want there to be very few bottlenecks in this workout to slow members down. The wall walks may be the only aspect that members will need to pace or take breaks on, but they shouldn’t have to change their pacing until at least half way through the workout.
Feel – Steady effort
Handstand Walk Practice for 8min
A) HS Walk For Distance: 5′, 10′, 15’…etc.
B) Kick and HS Walk to Wall
C) Wall Walk to Handstand 10s Hold 5+ Attempts
D) Kick-up to Wall + Hold (Accumulate 20 reps)
Lateral Handstand Walk against wall
– 4-8 steps / each direction
-10/8c Row
EMOMx 5 Round alternating:
Min 1: Double Unders / CC / Singles
Min 2: Row Cals
Min 3: Push-ups
Min 4: Lateral Burpees over DB
Min 5: REST
Build to a heavy triple.
3 x 5 minute AMRAPS:
[ 4 min ON : 1 min OFF ]
21/18 cal Row
12 wall balls
6 Push Press (135/95)
— 1 min rest picking up where you left off —
For Time:
30 Strict Pull-Ups
Time Cap: 8 minutes
Option 1 – 30 Toe Assisted Strict Pull-Ups
Option 2 – 30 Foot Assisted Strict Pull-ups to Low bar
Option 3 – 30 Inverted Chest to Bar Rows
Strength Notes:
– This is a tester that we will retest later in the cycle.
– There is no drop from the top allowed. We want a fully controlled eccentric on every rep.
– Most should approach this in small sets to try to chip away at the reps.
– it is expected that most will not finish in the 8 minutes and that is ok. If someone will get very few reps or cannot perform a strict pull up they should use one of the scaling options.
8min AMRAP
Score for reps
On a 15min clock
8 minute AMRAP for quality:
4 power cleans (135/95)
5 burpees
6 toes to bar
–Rest 2min–
At min 10 Establish 1 RM in 5 min
3 Deadlift
2 Hang Power Clean
1 Jerk
Intent – Find a heavy complex under fatigue.
Target – Want the Metcon to be unbroken to push the heart rate and pace before the barbell complex.
Feel – High intensity with heavy complex.
3 Deadlift
2 Hang Power Clean
1 Jerk
Build to sets @75% of you 5RM Lunge test from last Wednesday.
If no measure, build to 3 moderate/heavy sets that allow for an upright posture, tight core, and good pressure in the front and back feet with minimal compensations.
200m Run
10 DB Farmers’s Lunge FWD Steps
200m run
10 DB Front Racked Lunge Steps
200m run
10 DB Thrusters
200m run
Cap: 13
x: 50/35
Intent – Work on running under leg fatigue. The lunges and thrusters will cause the legs to get tired and members will have to try to keep maintaining and pushing the pace on the shuttle runs.
Target – We want the DB weights to be something members can complete all 3 movements with only 1-2 breaks on each.
Feel – High intensity.
23 minute AMRAP with a partner:
P1: 400m run
P2: 2 rounds of Cindy:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
Cindy: 5 banded strict pull ups
10 push ups to abmat
15 air squats
Intent – Murph prep. We are looking to start to train higher volumes of pull ups, push ups and air squats paired with running.
Target – Top scores: 6 rounds. Minimum goals: 4 rounds. The goal is to have both partners finish their portion at a similar time. Advanced members will be able to finish the 2 rounds of Cindy faster than their partner can run and will get some rest. But ensure that all members are able to complete Cindy right around when their partner finishes running to ensure there aren’t any long breaks or transitions.
Feel – Longer sustained output.
Flow – Partner 1 runs while Partner 2 performs 2 rounds. Once both partners have finished they will switch stations.
EMOM x 5 Rounds
m1: Power Snatch (135/95)
m2: Burpee Over Bar
m3: Abmat Sit-ups
m4: Wall Walks
m5: Box Jumps
m6: Rest
Score: Max Reps
As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 25 minutes:
Row 30/24 calories
2 Rope Climbs
5 DBL KB hang clean and jerks @ (53/35) (24/16kg)
20 DBL KB Farmer Hold and March steps in place (high knees)
Rest for 1 minute
Athletes can sub 5 Sandbag ground to shoulder
Intent – Higher skill and heavier odd object training. We expect all movements to take some time and focus to perform properly.
Target – Top scores: 6+ rounds. Minimum goals: 4+ rounds. The goal is for members to be able to keep moving through this AMRAP without a major stopping point. We expect most will need to take rest breaks between rope climbs and on KB C&J.
Feel – Sustained intensity with high effort movements.
Flow – Rest 1:00 between rounds.