CrossFit East River – WOD
Front Squat (A1) Every :90s x 4 (Building)
3r @ 50%
3r @ 60%
3r @ 70%
1r @ 75%
A2) Every 3 min x 4 sets:
Max Front Squats
*set 1= AMRAP (-1) 75%
*set 2= AMRAP (-2) 70%
*set 3= AMRAP (-3) 65%
*set 4= AMRAP (-3) 55%
Strength Notes:
– We are continuing our front squat progression today with an increase in loading from last week.
– Try to see if you can match the reps from last week with heavier loads.
– %’s based of 1 Rep Max in Wodify
– Members will move through each set leaving -1, -2, or -3 reps in the tank based on the note.
– The first set will be at the higher %
– The goal is to build volume and reach near failure on each set. Not failure. Leaving reps in the tank.
“Starting Blocks” (AMRAP – Reps)
On a 10 minute clock:
30 Burpees over bar (facing if space)
30 Front Rack Lunge Steps
30 Power Cleans
AMRAP burpees over bar (facing if space)
s: 75/55
x: 95/65
Intent – Fast barbell chipper.
Target – We are looking for members to try to push the pace today on the barbell. The lunges should be a weight that can be done in 1-2 sets and the power cleans should be done in some touch and go sets or as fast singles. Then they should push to sprint finish on the burpees.
Feel – High intensity sprint effort.