πͺ π No Pump Sesh: Following Dates
- 6/21
- 6/28
- 7/12
- 7/19
Monday: Pause Front Squat
Triplet: Pull-Ups + American Kettlebell Swings + Run
Tuesday: Split Jerk
Couplet: Echo + Clean and Jerk
Wednesday: Toe to Bar
Triplet: Wall Balls + Toe to Bar + Burpee Box Jump Overs
Wall Walks + Row Calories + Turkish Get Ups + Runs + Sandbag Bear Hug Hold
Friday: Snatch
Triplet: Bar Muscle-Ups + Power Snatch + Double Unders
Team Workout : Waterfall Style:
Row + Push-Ups + Run + Dumbbell Thrusters
Deadlifts + Strict Knees to Elbows + Gorilla Rows
CrossFit East River – WOD
Warm-Up (No Measure)
:30 Forward and Back Line Hops
:30 Side to Side Line Hops
:30 Bend and Bow
:20/:20 Single Leg Toe Touches
:30 Wall Thoracic Extensions
:30/:30 Kettlebell Hip Shift
:60 Alternating 90-90 Hip Switch
:15/:15 Active / Passive Hang From Pull-Up Bar
2-3 Sets
8-10 Bar Kip Swings
Hang Snatch High Pull
Hang Power Snatch
Overhead Squat
Snatch Balance
Squat Snatch
22 Double Unders or 44 Single Unders
Squat Snatch (10:00 EMOM
2 Snatches @ 70-80% of 1RM)
These are ideally a Squat Snatch today, however can be power for those with a higher max in the Power Snatch than the Squat Snatch
Angry Beavers (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
11:00 AMRAP
4-5-6-7… Bar Muscle Ups
11 Power Snatch 95/65lb, 43/30kg
44 Double Unders
Stimulus: Grip Density / High Skill Gymnastics
RPE: 9/10
Primary Objective: Complete 4+ Rounds
Secondary Objective:Maintain Unbroken Bar Muscle-Ups for as long as possible
Strategy: The focus here today is on grip endurance and high skill gymnastics. We are looking for the higher level athletes to keep the Bar Muscle-Ups unbroken as long as possible and for most athletes to break these up into short manageable sets from the get-go. When looking at the Power Snatch weight and repetitions we should immediately have an idea that we can move through this in 3 quick sets of touch and go reps before hitting a good unbroken set of Double Unders. The focus and rhythm of this workout falls in the transition back to the rig and how you manage your time and breaks on the Power Snatch. Stay consistent and stay smooth, eleven minutes is a long time to move here on a workout with lots of interference.
[Angry Beavers: Levels] (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Level 2:
For Reps:
11:00 AMRAP
4-5-6-7… Burpee Chest to Bar
11 Power Snatch 75/55lb, 34/25kg
33 Double Unders
Level 1:
For Reps:
11:00 AMRAP
4-5-6-7… Burpee Jumping Pull-Ups
11 Hang Power Snatch 45/35lb, 20/15kg
55 Single Unders
Masters 55+
For Reps:
11:00 AMRAP
4-5-6-7… Burpee Pull-Ups
11 Hang Power Snatch 75/55lb, 34/25kg
33 Double Unders
Bar Muscle-Ups + Double Unders must be unbroken
Big Class Option
As Prescribed
Hotel Gym / Travel / Limited Equipment
For Reps:
11:00 AMRAP
4-5-6-7… Burpee Pull-Ups
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
44 Double Unders
PRVN Reset (Checkmark)
For Completion:
:60/:60 Couch Stretch
:60 Child’s Pose
:30/:30 Iron Cross Stretch
Optional Accessories (Checkmark)
Midline Focus
For Completion:
4 Rounds, :45 Per Station/:15 Rest Between (16:00 Clock)
Station 1 – Max V-Ups
Station 2 – Max Alternating SIngle Leg Deadlifts with Dual Kettlebells , Light Load
Station 3 – Max Alternating Single Leg Banded Hip Thrusts
Station 4 – Rest