CrossFit East River – WOD
Skillz Prep (No Measure)
10m Build and Prep
“Skillz” (AMRAP – Reps)
Every 5 minutes x 4 sets
[ 3min ON : 2 min OFF/Rest ]
2 rope climbs
8 Burpees
10 deadlifts (x:225/155) | s:155/105)
Max strict HSPU in remaining time / Kipping / Piked
– rest actively on erg of choice
*Goal is to have 1 minute to do hspu, advanced athletes
*We want athletes to get between 7-15 reps per minute, if they fall outside of rep range, adjust scaling
*advanced = deficit (3/2in)
*large classes may need to alternate rope clilmbs or start at different stations. All should end on HSPU.