CrossFit East River – WOD
Clean Deadlift (Within 15 minutes:
1 Clean Deadlift @ Max Load
*Build to a tough/technical single for the day in 15 minutes.
Recommended Strength Build up: (Can E2:30)
3 reps @ 50-60%
3 reps @ 60-70%
2 reps @ 75-80%
Build in singles from 80% – heavy single)
Strength Notes:
– We are building to a tough single on clean deadlifts today. This will be lighter than your regular deadlift due to hip positioning. Athletes should focus on pulling the same way they pull for their cleans.
– The single should be heavy but should still be technical, we do not want to have any breakdown on the midline or bracing during the pull.
– The suggested build up can be included in the 15 minute time window.
“Bars” (Time)
For Time:
20 Toes to Bars / 15 Knee raises / tucks
30 Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs
20 Toes to Bars / 15 knee raises / tucks
30 Front Squats @ 135/95 lbs
20 Toes to Bars / 15 Knee raises / tucks
s: 95/65
x: 135/95
+: 155/105
Time Cap: 10 minutes
Intent – Grip and barbell cycling. The barbell is meant to be at a slightly heavier weight. The TTB sets are meant to be big enough to force breaks for everyone.
Target – This workout will be mainly limited by grip for advanced members or the weight on the bar for intermediates. We expect most people to need to break all sets into manageable chunks to chip away. The TTB should still be done in at most 4 sets to ensure enough time to work on the barbell.
Feel – High intensity.