CrossFit East River – WOD
Metcon (Weight)
EMOM 9 minutes (9 rounds):
3 Deadlifts
1 Squat Clean Thruster
*Start light and add load every 3 sets. Must keep same weight for 3 sets in a row.
Roller Coaster: Part 1 (Time)
Deadlift (135/95)
Box Jumps
Time Cap: 5 minutes
*step down on box jumps
**Rest 3min between part 1 & part 2**
(13 min total)
“Roller Coaster: Part 2” (Time)
Front Squat (135/95)
Box Jumps
Time Cap: 5 minutes
*step down on box jumps
*treated as two separate scores, NOT cumulative
Intent – Shorter sprint style repeats. We are working on moving a barbell in a short high density workout.
Target – Top scores: Sub 3 min on part 1, sub 3 min on part 2. The goal is for the weight on the bar to allow for nearly unbroken sets. Some may need to plan a break in the 15s or 12s but everyone should be able to do the 9s unbroken. We want the weight to be moderately heavy but not so much that it becomes a major bottleneck for the workout.
Feel – High intensity sprint.
Flow – There is a 5 minute time cap on each portion. 2 separate scores for each workout.