👻🍿Movie Nights! – Thursday 14th and 21st 7:30pm @ the gym
💪 ReVis Week: Oct 18th (Re-Visiting from week of Aug. 23rd)
🤝 Fundraiser workout Forging Youth Resilience: Sat 16th (suggested $10-$25 to fundraiser)
🎃👻 Halloween Workout Sat 30th – DRESS UP! Costumes Welcome & Encouraged!
Beast River Fitness – WOD
FOR THE CANDY (No Measure)
EVERY 5min x 2 Rounds
400m Row
400m Run
Rest 2min
EVERY 5min x 2 Rounds
400m Row
40 DU / 100 SU
40 Sit-ups
Rest 2min
EVERY 5min x 2 Rounds
25cal Bike
200m Run
*Small Rest in EMOM after completion of movements.
* Rest 2min between stations