Beast River Fitness – WOD
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds
50c Row
-rest 2-3min-
Metcon (Weight)
Back Rack Walking Lunge
Bent Over Barbell Row
Metcon (Time)
Accumulate 3min in plank
Your workout of the day!
3 Rounds
50c Row
-rest 2-3min-
Back Rack Walking Lunge
Bent Over Barbell Row
Accumulate 3min in plank
“You are never too old to set a new goal, or dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis
With Partner:
12 RNDs
15/11c Row
10 Burpees over Bar
5 Thrusters (135/115/95/65)
*You Go – I Go after completed full round
– Athletes will alternate full rounds on this 12 round workout. Each partner will have completed 6 full rounds when finished.
– Athletes should find a pace to complete the full round unbroken knowing they have some rest.
STRATEGY: Threshold workout.
WEIGHT: With a low rep scheme on the Thrusters go for a challenging weight of 5.
400m Run
21 V-Ups
21 Kipping Pull-Ups
400m Run
15 V-Ups
15 Kipping Pull-Ups
400m Run
9 V-ups
9 Kipping Pull-Ups
Monday Cleans & Pistols
4 Rounds
3 Power Cleans + 1 Squat Clean
4 Rounds
10 Burpees + 8 Pistols
Partner Workout
6 RNDs (alternating w/partner)
20/15c Assault Bike
50′ Walking Goblet Lunge
6 RNDs (alternating w/partner)
100 Mtn. Climbers
15 Wall Balls
6 RNDs (alternating w/partner)
15 HR Push-ups
100′ Bear Crawl
– One partner completes full round while other rests.
– Complete all 6 RNDs before moving on to the next set of movements.
Row 3,000m*
* Every 500m
15 Hand Release Push-Ups
6 Back Squats
Start with Row
End with Back Squats
– Build to 75% on the Back Squats
%: 55-65-70-75-75
– Medium hard – Feels like (7/10) difficulty
Weight from the workout
%: 55-65-70-75-75
“Everyone today is so laid-back and cool and it’s kinda boring” ~Anthony Hopkins
Push Press
*After every round of Annie: Complete Push Press and Pull-ups.
STRATEGY: Athletes should go unbroken on the Push Press and string together large sets on the pull-ups.
– Pick a jump rope number that keeps the frustration level to a minimum.
WEIGHT: KB or DB on the heavier side
Kipping Pull-ups – BANDED to string together sets of 3 minimum.
“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” ~ Credited to Hippocrates.
Alternating E3MOM: 8 RNDs
200m run + 3 Power Cleans + 1 Squat Clean
12 Burpees + 10 Pistols Alternating
– Athletes should finish 200 Meters in under 1:00.
– A heavier Clean weight that will challenge the athlete to stand up on the 4th rep.
SCALING: Athletes should choose a barbell weight that is challenging but doable for an unbroken sets.
SCORING: Today’s score is the Sum Total Time of all 9 rounds.
2K row
-rest 2min-
1K row
-rest 1 min-
500m row
*Score is time to complete total
EMOM x 10min
1-2 Wall Walks
Banded Pull-ups
Banded Tricep Pushdowns
“Don’t waste your time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden, and the butterflies will come.” -Mario Quintana
Partner WOD:
60 Snatches – Partition However
1 Mile Run – Together
20 Rope Climbs – Partition However
1 Mile Run – Together
100 Burpees – You go, I go
115/85, 95/65, 45/35)
-Someone should always be working during Snatches and Rope Climbs
-Run at a pace that is somewhat comfortable for both athletes
-Pace out Burpees slowly from the start to avoid hitting a wall!
Scale rope climbs:
1/2 Climbs or reduce reps to 12
2:1 Hand over hand
6:1 Ring Rows
3:1 Strict Pull-ups
Sub 2,000m Row
You go – I go fashion
“There’s always more time.”
25 Toes-to-Bars
50/35 Calorie Row
75 Push-ups
50 Box Jumps (24/20″)
25 Pull-ups
EMOM @ 75%-80%
Build to 3 x 6 at 75%
– focus on speed from the bottom
No measure: 3×6 @ medium / hard weight that allows for good reps.
*Between every set
200m Run
5 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups – Kipping – Banded
*For load not for time