Beast River Fitness – WOD
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
With a Partner:
5 Burpees to target
1 Rope Climb
30 Double Unders
– Alternate full rounds with a partner.
SCALE: 2 Pulls to stand on rope or 5 Strict Pull-ups
Your workout of the day!
With a Partner:
5 Burpees to target
1 Rope Climb
30 Double Unders
– Alternate full rounds with a partner.
SCALE: 2 Pulls to stand on rope or 5 Strict Pull-ups
30 Rounds for Time:
5 Wall Balls
3 Handstand Push-ups / 6 Push-ups / 1 Wall Walk
1 Power Clean (225/155, 185/125, 95/65)
Holleyman is a CrossFit Hero workout. This workout also provides you with a great opportunity to test this month’s weightlifting focus.
STIMULUS: Use a heavyweight you can lift for 3-5 reps in a row. Avoid using a load that will lead to failure.
HSPU: You want an option you can consistently finish in a single set without failure.
Athletes looking to target their strength should use movements that won’t cause failure but will cause them to rest longer between movements and in between sets.
If you are just looking to move through and sweat, consider a moderate loading and substitute push-ups in place of handstand push-ups.
Row Intervals
8 x 300m
1:1 Work : Rest ratio
*Time it takes to complete
8 Bench Press
8 BB Bicep Curls
Accumulate 3 min bar hang
*5 Burpees every minute. Starting with burpees.
115/85, 95/65, 75/55
STIMULUS: Go medium heavy on this. The burpees should take you around :20 and you should be able to perform about 3-5 clusters in the remaining time.
5 Pull-ups / Banded / Ring Rows
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
*If you fall behind the clock, continue as an AMRAP for up to 15 minutes.
Make-up clean day.
Build to 1 RM
Back Squat 2 RM
Make-up Push Press.
Build to 2 RM
With a Partner
11/9c Bike
10 KB Swings
10 Knees 2 Chest
50’ OH Walking Lunge (L25’/R25’)
10 Sit-ups
2 Wall Walk
15/12c Row
5 Burpee over Rower
10 V-ups
*Score is total rounds and reps per partner team.
You go, I go way. One athlete completes the AMRAP while other rests.
“People say nothing is possible, but I do nothing everyday.” – A.Milne
%: 67-76-81–86-95-101%
1% Better is better and that’s enough. Aim to beat your previous by any margin today.
Take your time, belt up, and hit them heavy attempts solid.
AMRAP 5 min
10 DB Snatches
10 Pistols
-rest 2 min-
AMRAP 5 min
5 Box Jump Overs
5 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups / Banded / 10 Jumping
*Score is total combined rounds and reps
STIMULUS: Athletes should look to move continuous for each 5 min unbroken as long as possible. Pick scale to allow 5 min of work.
“If you aim at nothing, don’t worry… you’ll hit it.”
Build to a heavy 2
250/200m Row
7 Push Press (115/85, 95/65, 75/55)
STIMULUS: Athletes should look to complete the row under a minute and move through the press and ttb smoothly. Pick a weight athletes can go unbroken on the Push Press when fresh. No more than 2 sets on the ttb.
SCALE: Knees to chest or V-ups
“You’re going to need a bigger boat” ~ Chief Brody, Jaws
Re-Test: Build to Heavy Single:
Take your time, belt up, and hit it!
1% Better.
10 Rounds
6 Power Cleans (135/95, 95/65, 75/55)
6 Burpees over Bar
2K row
Rest 2min
1k row
rest 2 min
500m row
EMOM 8min
8 Bench Press
DB or BB
4 RNDs
10 Banded Dips
20 Banded Pull-ups
Use a lot of band here. Want a burn – not going to failure.