CrossFit East River – WOD
Today’s workout is intended to get you prepped for 18.1 on Saturday. It will not leave you sore for Saturday, rather it’ll have you primed and ready for your best performance.
1: Hang Clean (5×2 – build up to a moderate weight)
The goal with doing moderate weight hang squat cleans today is motor priming for Saturday. We’re going to get you moving a moderate weight on the bar. Being a barbell movement the weight you move is going to make tomorrow’s dumbbells feel easy. It’s also going to open up your body through a full range of motion. We’re not going to be going heavy enough today or doing enough hang squat clean volume to leave you sore tomorrow.
2: Metcon (Time)
Buy in:
100 Double unders
Wall Balls 20/14
KB Swings 53/35
Once more with today’s metcon we’re going to get your blood flowing, move you throw a full range of motion, but not beat you up so much that tomorrow’s performance is affected.