👟 👕 EV Donation Drive through end of the week.
– Bring your shoes and clothes to donate.
Survey: Coney Island Date Link– Help us pick a date
👟 👕 EV Donation Drive through end of the week.
– Bring your shoes and clothes to donate.
Survey: Coney Island Date Link– Help us pick a date
👟 👕 EV Donation Drive through end of the week.
– Bring your shoes and clothes to donate.
Survey: Coney Island Date Link– Help us pick a date
3 RNDs*
60/48c Row – Split every 10/8c
40 Box Jumps – Alt.
20 Clean and Jerk – Split however
*Weights increase each rnd
75/55, 95/65, 115/85
115/85, 135/95, 155/105
135/95, 185/125, 205/135
cap 30
Intent – Ascending weight clean and jerks under fatigue.
Target – The bike and the box jumps should be done at a steady pace from the beginning. Most will get bottlenecked by the clean and jerks at some point. The weight should start light-moderate to allow for fast singles back and forth. As it gets heavier the last set should still allow both partners to alternate reps with a few seconds of rest between.
Scale: 3 Singles – not Touch N Go)
– Try to match or best your 3RM from last Monday.
3 Rounds
400m Run
5 Power Snatch
10 TTB
s: 75/55
x: 95/55
+: 115/85
A: Negatives / Piked Box
B: Regular Strict
C. Wall Facing
Wall Facing: Assumes athlete already has strict HSPUs.)
1000/800m row
21 HSPU / Box / DB Strict Press (35/20)
21 KBS – American
500/400m Row
15 KBS
250/200m Row
Cap 20
*Volume up, back off on loading this week.
– This is a back off week on back squats.
– Percentages should be manageable across and should feel easier than the last few weeks even with the higher volume.
– If needed lower percentages to ensure members can hold the pause.
2 RNDs
10 DB OH Lunges Steps (1 Rnd L/ 1 Rnd R)
15 Ab Mat Sit-ups
2 RNDs
10 DB Box Step Overs (held anyway)
15 Ab Mat Sit-ups
2 RNDs
10 Goblet Squats
16 Ab Mat Sit-ups
s: 35/20
x: 50/35
+: 70/50
cap 11
4 sets – Superset
5-7 DBL DB Bench
5-7 Strict Chin-ups / Weighted / Banded
Rest 1 min
– This builds from 7/18 moving from 6-8 reps down to 5-7.
– Athletes should look to add weight to make the rep range challenging.
2 sets:
AMRAP 3min
2 wall walks
8 DB power snatch (50/35)
–rest 2 min —
AMRAP 3min
4 Handstand pushups / Pike Push-ups / HR Push-ups
8 DB power snatches (50/35)
–rest 2 min —
– We have two separate AMRAPs today that will each be performed twice.
– This will be a shoulder burner so those that move too quickly early on may need to rest a lot later.
– Find a steady pace that you can recover during the 2 minute rest windows.
*Target Score – 4+ rounds on each AMRAP
Squat clean + Thruster
– Range 65-75% of Thruster max
– Athletes can build heavier if moving the barbell well.
– Our movements build upon each other switching half way in the EMOM. Athletes should use the first 5 mins to practice catching the bar for the thruster.
3 Rounds of:
2 minute ascending ladder (2:1)
Burpee over bar
–rest 1:00 between sets–
*restart each round with the set of 2’s
s: 75/55
x: 115/85
– Athletes should go as far as they can in the ladder each round, resetting back at 2 at the start.
– Score the round completed + reps. Ie 6+4. if completed round of 6.
Feel – Short and fast moving with a quick reset.
Target – We want to push the pace early since each interval starts with such small sets. The burpees will cause some upper body fatigue and HR that will affect the thrusters.
400m Run
21 Burpee Pull-ups
21 KBS – American
36 Singles
400m Run
15 Pull-ups / Banded
15 KBS – American
35 Criss Cross
400m Run
9 C2B / Banded
36 Speed Steps (Running L+R =1…72)
400m Run
6 BMU / Strict Pull-ups / Banded
36 DU / 72 Singles
s: 35/26 – Banded
x: 50/35 – Strict
+: 70/53 / BMU
3 RNDs
300/250m Row
20 DB Snatches Alt.
15 25# Plate Deficit Push-ups / Floor / Knees
s: 35/20 / Floor
x; 50/35 / 25#
+: 70/50 / 45#
3-4 sets in 10-12min
10 Janda Toe Reaches
10 Seated Piked Leg Lifts
5 Kip Swings on Bar
1-2 HSPU (32X3) / Box
-Rest 1:00-
– Tempo HSPU (32×3)
3 Down
2 Pause in bottom of kip
x Kip out out or stand out / box press out
3 Pause at top
AMRAP 16min
Row 3-6-9-12-15-18…
TTB 2-4-6-8-10-12…
HSPU 1-2-3-4-5-6… /
Add every round: (+3/2/1)
Scale: HSPU to a box
x: Wall Facing or Strict Face Away
+: 25# Deficit
Female row:
Same as TTB reps: 2-4-6-8-10