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💪 Pump Session is Back in Oct 💪
– Fridays: 5pm
CrossFit East River – WOD
Squat Clean (Every 2min: S. Clean Singles
%: 65-75-80-85-90-(92-94))
– Today is a heavy day for squat cleans.
– As reps decrease, weights should increase. – – Drop and reset each rep.
Above and Below Parallel (Time)
6 Rounds for Time:
4 Power Cleans
16 Wall Ball Shots
Time Cap: 10 minutes
s: 135/95
x: 165/110
Intent – Heavier barbell cycling.
Target – The power cleans today are meant to be slightly heavier and should be performed as steady singles. The wallballs should be a manageable set that can either be done unbroken or in 2 sets. This will be dependent on how much time eachathlete needs in order to keep the pace up on the cleans.