WOD – Thu, Mar 7
CrossFit East River – WOD
“Divide and Work” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 24 – Partner Workout
Partner A Holds DBs.
Rnd 1: Farmer’s Hold (50/35)
Rnd 2: Front Rack Hold (50/35)
While Partner B performs:
2 Rounds
2 Wall Walks
6 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls
s: 45/35
x: 75/55
*Each round is worth 1. Completing 2 rounds of the AMRAP + 1 Wall Walk is a score of 2+1.
Intent: Tired gymnastics
Target – We want to re-introduce the Sumo Deadlift high-pull in the event it comes into the open. The Weight should be light to work on form and standards. The holds will make the wall walks and TTB more challenging. Athletes should try to go unbroken on the TTB if proficient.
Feel: New moves and skilled moves under fatigue.
Flow: The AMRAP controls the amount of time on each hold. Once the athlete completes one full round of the amrap the other partner will switch from farmer’s hold to front rack hold.