Coney Island: This SAT.
Leave Post Last Class: 1p-Sundown.
Ride bike to catch the Ferry
Arrive: 3:00pm’ish
– 🎢 Ride some rides
– 🌠Eat a Nathan’s Hot Dog
– 🌅 Watch the Sun set
How it works:
There is no park entrance fee, you pay for rides individually ($8-10/ride)
Suggested Rides:
1) Cyclone
2) Thunderbolt
3) Slingshot
(user’s choice really)
CrossFit East River – WOD
Co-Operate (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 22 – with parter
400m run together
Partner 1: 10 Shoulder to overhead
Partner 2: Hang from bar
Partner 1: 12 toes to bar
Partner 2: Barbell front rack hold
Partner 1: 5 Wall Walks
Partner 2: Wall Sit
s: 95/65
x: 135/95