Coney Island
Poll Result in:
Sat. 9/9
Post Last Class: 1p-Sundown.
CrossFit East River – WOD
Bench Press (1 Set Max Reps @ 80%
%: BB-40-50-60-70-80)
10 reps @ empty bar
8-10 reps @ 30-40%
6 reps @ 50-60%
4 reps @ 70%
1-2 reps @ 80% before AMRAP
1 MAX set @ 80%
7 Up (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
3-6-9-12-15…. (Ascending ladder by 3s)
V-ups / Tucks
Hand release push up
Score Rnd + reps
( Round of 15 + 5 V-up reps = 15+5)
Target – Both movements will start out feeling relatively easy but the volume will catch up quick. We recommend breaking earlier than expected to ensure no one hits a major bottleneck.
Extra Credit if time (No Measure)
3 Rounds:
A1) 10-15 Band Tricep Extension
A2) 30s Bar Hang