Ladies WOD: 8/26
CrossFit East River – WOD
ABS (Checkmark)
3 RNDs
Every :50 (:30 on / :20 off)
1: Janda Toe Reaches
2: Straddle Leg Lefts (5/sd)
3: Hollow Flutter Kicks
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 20, with a (3m on : 1m off)
20/16c Row
20 Lunge Steps (walking if space)
20s Wall Sit Hold
20 DU / CC / 40 SU
= 1
20/16c Row
20ft HS Walk / 2 Wall Walks / 2 As Far As Possible
20s Wall facing HS Hold
20 DU / CC / 40 SU
= 1
*If complete both = 2.
*There is designated 1m rest every 3minutes in this AMRAP.
– The goal for today is 7/10 RPE meaning a roughly 70% effort. Members should never feel like they are losing their paces set at the beginning.
Feel – Moderate effort with 1m rest to recover.