Beast River Fitness – WOD
Sumo Deadlift (3-3-3-3-3-3-3)
Build to set a 3RM.
2k Row (Time)
Max Effort 2k Row
Build to set a 3RM.
Max Effort 2k Row
– Bar muscle up attempts options:
A) Find a max # of reps unassisted.
B) Find a max with bands or lowest band can successfully get over bar.
C) Find the lowest box you can jump from.
A) Max Strict and/or Kipping
B) Max Piked Push-ups or From a Box
EMOM for as long as possible:
7 Thrusters, 75/55
7 Pull ups
7 Burpees
“Never confuse movement, with action.” – Ernest Hemingway
– WOD Prep Focus
– Build to a heavier than workout weight
– No dropping the weights
10 Rounds For Time:
3 Clean and Jerks (135/95 lb)
3 Burpees Over the Bar
To learn more about Grettel click here
“Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.”
– Simon Sinek
Find 3 RM.
– Aim for your heavy 2 + 1 more rep
– This is not the workout for volume of sets and reps.
-Build slow and steady, hit your 3 and leave it.
– Hit it once and walk away.
– Good Reps Only. Only count the clean set, not the ugly set if there is one.
– After your 3RM Squat go for a 3 RM Push press
Alternating V-ups +
Hollow Hold Seconds
For Time:
Wall walks
135/95, 115/85, 95/65
RX+ (Games Weight: 185/135)
4×2 @ 90-95%
Warm-up: 5-3-2-2 (55%-85%)
Work: 2-2-2-2
– Increase in weight and same sets.
– Getting heavier, consider wearing a belt to help with bracing.
3 RNDs
200 Run
30 DB Snatch (50/35/20)
40 KBS (53/35/26)
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
EMOM x 10min for Quality – ME-2
Min1: BMU
Min2: HSPU
– ME-2 (Max Effort -2 reps)
– Practicing building strength, volume, and familiarity with these two movements.
AMRAP 3min
7 Burpee
7 Thrusters – (75/65, 45/35)
rest 1:00
AMRAP 3min
7 Pull-ups
7 Burpee
– Rest 1:00
AMRAP 3min
7 Thruster – (75/65, 45/35)
7 Pull-ups
– Beep test practice
– Combing elements of the beep test in different combinations.
4×2 @ 95%
Warm-up: 5-3-2-2 (55%-85%)
Work: 2-2-2-2
– Increase in weight and same sets.
– Getting heavier, consider wearing a belt to help with bracing.
EMOM x 10min
Min1: 6 Clean and Jerks
Min2: 6 Burpee over Bar
135/95, 115/85, 95/65
– Use the same weight you used for Grettel.
– Pick a weight you can cycle for 6 reps
4×2 @ 95%
Warm-up: 5-3-2-2 (55%-85%)
Work: 2-2-2-2
– Increase in weight and same sets.
– Getting heavier, consider wearing a belt to help with bracing.
Every 2:30 – (2:00 work /:30 rest)
20c Row + MAX WB
20 Wall Balls + MAX Row cals.
20c Row + MAX WB
– Score is total of each part B
(Max WB + Max Cal + Max WB)
With a Partner:
10 RNDS of Cindy (switching after full rounds)
40 Clusters (One partner working at a time)
Rest 1:00
Run 1 Mile (Together)
135/95, 115/85, 95/65
* 1 Round of “Cindy”:5 Pull-Ups/10 Push-Ups/15 Air Squats
* Score = Time it takes to complete the workout
* IncludeS the 1:00 rest in the total score