WOD – Mon, Jul 24
CrossFit East River – WOD
Power Snatch (Build to 3 Cycled Power Snatches
Scale: 3 Singles not Touch N Go)
– Practice TNG Barbell Cycling.
– Start light and build slowly to develop the skill for barbell cycling.
– Athletes should focus on keeping the bar class and staying in control throughout the 3 reps.
– New to the movement athletes should perform 3 singles.
HOLD ON (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Death by EMOM (12 cap)
1-2-3-4-5-6… (+1 every minute)
Power Snatch
–rest in remaining time–
*On 0:00 begin with 1 Burpee + 1 P. Snatch and continue adding for as long as athletes can hold on.
s: 75/55
x: 95/65
+: 115/85
1 Burpee
1 P. Snatch
2 Burpee
2 P. Snatch
3 Burpee
3 Power Snatch.
– When athletes cannot complete the work in the time frame they can take a round off and hop back back after 1 round of rest.
– Athlete score stops when they cannot compete Snatches in the minute.