WOD – Tue, Jul 25
July 25, 2023Uncategorized
CrossFit East River – WOD
Strength & Skill (No Measure)
In 10m Practice – Bar Muscle Ups
3-4 sets for quality
1-2 Jumping Bar Muscle-ups
Scale for Strength building:
5 Strict Pull-ups / Banded
10 Box Dips / Diamond Push-ups
– Use a box height that allows to jump, and come around over the bar.
– Athletes can breakdown the motion into pull-ups and dips or diamond push-ups
Metcon (Checkmark)
5 RNDs for Quality
Min1: 200m Run / 15/12c Bike
Min 2: 20 V-ups
Min 3: 2-3 Bar Muscle-ups / Strict pull-ups
Min 4: 7-10 DBL KB Strict Press/each arm
s: 35/26
x: 53/35
+: 70/53
– No score today, move for quality
– The time for athletes to complete the 200m run can bleed over into the next movement.