5 Week Small Group Accessory Program
Coach Becca will tailor a linear progressive program for you
-6 spots only
-1 Day a week / 5 Weeks (Sundays)
-Begins Jan 22
CrossFit East River – WOD
Snatch Complex (Every 2m x 5 sets
2 Snatch Deadlifts
2 Hang Power Snatches
1 Squat Snatches)
Strength Notes:
– This complex is meant to work on grip and power endurance in the snatch.
– Members must hold the deadlifts in the same grip as their snatch.
– We want to pre fatigue the grip and arms so that members will be forced to use their hips and move their body around the bar in the power snatches.
– The first 2 sets should be moderate and technical with the final 3 sets at a tough and challenging load.
“Bounce Around” (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM x 9 min
30 DU / 40 SU
MAX Hang Power Snatch
s: 75/55
x: 115/80
+: 155/105
Intent – Barbell cycling amrap with buy in each around .
Target – Break the barbell early into small chunks to avoid red-lining. Be aware of the clock to take smart breaks. Some members should stop before the end of the minute for a short rest to keep moving. Some may need to take a full round off and hop back in on the following minute.
Feel – High intensity with metabolic, grip and shoulder fatigue.