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CrossFit East River – WOD
“The Commons” (Time)
4 Rounds for Time:
18 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
12 Overhead Squats @ 135/95 lbs
Time Cap: 18 minutes
s: 95/65
x: 135/95
+: 5 Rounds
Intent – High intensity CrossFit triplet.
Target – We want members to plan breaks on the CTB and potentially the OHS depending on strength to maximize their ability to move through each round. We want this to stay at a high intensity so if members have to break the CTB into more than 3 sets or the OHS into more than 2 sets they should scale. The 18 minute cap should be generous enough to allow most members to finish today.
Feel – High intensity with upper body fatigue.
Flow – Advanced members can perform 5 rounds for time. Only do this if you can perform 15+ CTB unbroken fresh (outside of a workout).