CrossFit East River – WOD
1: CrossFit Games Open 16.3 (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 7 minutes
10 power snatches
3 bar muscle-ups
Men use 75 lb.
Women use 55 lb.
Your workout of the day!
AMRAP 7 minutes
10 power snatches
3 bar muscle-ups
Men use 75 lb.
Women use 55 lb.
Max Effort 2k Row
Make 1 attempt at a ME 2k row
For time with a partner
8 rounds total:
5 GTO 135/95
10 Back Squats 135/95
250m row
-one partner works at a time
-alternating rounds
Snatch, 135#/95#
For time:
5 rope climbs, 15-ft. rope
75 thrusters, 75/55
50 box dips
5 rope climbs, 15-ft. rope
50 overhead squats, 75/55
75 sit-ups
5 rope climbs, 15-ft. rope
7 minute AMRAP of:
5 box jumps 30/24
3 squat cleans 225/145
Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Perform 2 burpees every minute starting at 0.
3 Rounds of:
1 minute AMRAP on each of the following movements:
1) Chin ups
2) Ground to overhead 95/65
3) Burpee box jumps 24/20
4) Wall walks
5) Front Squats 95/65
6) Rest
4 Rounds
3 minutes on / 3 minutes off
15 Thrusters 115/75
15 Burpees over bar
Max Effort Double Unders
The following two weeks after the barbell cycle ending will be “.com” syle CrossFit progamming. Today’s metcon is a taste of interval style workouts to follow afterward.
The WOD – Armistice
11 minute AMRAP (As Many Repetitions As Possible)
11- Power Cleans
11- Burpees Over the Bar
19- Deadlifts
18- Pull-Ups
The 1130am will be a special WOD with Team RWB
Learn more about the workout here: