🦃 Thanksgiving Schedule:
Wed: 7p – Canceled
Trs: No Class
Fri: 9a & 10a WODs
Sat: Normal Schedule – 9a, 10a, 11a, 12p OG
CrossFit East River – WOD
Shoulder Press (E 2:30 x 4 sets:
10 – 50%
8 – 60%
6 – 65%
4 – 68-72%
*Finish remaining reps as Push Press.)
– If anyone fails a set they should finish it out by performing touch and go Push Presses.
50 BB Presses (Time)
For Time:
50 Strict Presses @ 45/35 lbs
Time Cap: 3 minutes
*Adjust to complete in at least unbroken sets of 10 reps.
3 min cap
Consider this a drop set finisher for the strength portion.
D.”Double Trouble” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 12min
A1) 2 rounds
32 Single Unders
16 DB snatches
A2) 2 rounds
32 Double Unders
16 single arm DB Hang Power Clean and Jerks
*move back to top of A1 when complete.
s: 35/20
x: 50/35
+: 70/50
* Every round is = to 1 round.
4 rounds tota (A1+A2) before repeating.