CrossFit East River – WOD
Jump Rope Skill Practice (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
a1) EMOM x 6:
Min 1: 30 sec Single Unders
Min 2: 30 sec Speed Steps
Min 3: 30 sec Crossover Single Unders
a2) AMRAP 3min
Unbroken sets of double unders
10, 15, 20,25,30,35, etc…
*Must stop & start after each completed set. Must complete each set unbroken before moving on to next set.
100 Single Unders
50 Speed Steps
25 double unders (accumulated)
RX: Round of Unbroken DUs completed + reps.
Completed 35 UB + 20 = 35 +20
Scaled: Amount of DU accumulated
“Hip Flex” (AMRAP – Reps)
Every 6 mins x 4 sets: ( 4m ON : 2m Rest)
On a 4 min running clock
400m run (500/400m Row if cold)
16 DB goblet box step overs (50/35) 20in
Max rep toes to bar in remaining time
-Rest 2min-
* aiming to have about 1 minute left to TTB per round
Intent – TTB under fatigue.
Target – The goal of each interval is to complete the buy in of the run and step overs in roughly 3 minutes. The run should be steady and the step overs should be mostly unbroken throughout. Members should plan their sets on the TTB so that they are maintainable across all 4 intervals. Score is the total reps of TTB.
Feel – Hip flexor and core endurance.