WOD – Thu, May 9
May 9, 2024Uncategorized
CrossFit East River – WOD
Metcon (Distance)
Handstand Walk Practice for 8min
A) HS Walk For Distance: 5′, 10′, 15’…etc.
B) Kick and HS Walk to Wall
C) Wall Walk to Handstand 10s Hold 5+ Attempts
D) Kick-up to Wall + Hold (Accumulate 20 reps)
Lateral Handstand Walk against wall
– 4-8 steps / each direction
-10/8c Row
“Switch it Up” (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOMx 5 Round alternating:
Min 1: Double Unders / CC / Singles
Min 2: Row Cals
Min 3: Push-ups
Min 4: Lateral Burpees over DB
Min 5: REST