CrossFit East River – WOD
“An object at rest tends to stay at rest. An object in motion tends to stay in motion.” – Newton
Picture a giant flywheel. It’s at rest, and we are going to manually start it.
To get it to just budge an inch, it’s freaking hard. We need to grit, grind, and drive with everything we have just to get the slightest movement. But as soon as we do, that second inch… it’s a little bit easier. And the third inch, a little more.
By the time the flywheel does a single pass, it’s significantly easier. We’re no longer in a max effort prowler push… and it’s almost spinning itself. Two turns, three turns, 100 turns later, it’s spinning with no intentions on stopping. Faster than ever.
We’ve all felt this before. What was a incredible struggle at first, became so natural and easy to continue. We just needed to start.
There will be a voice in our head, that says – there’s time to do this tomorrow. Things are just too tight right now. The time “will be right” eventually. For “an object in motion, tends to stay in motion”.
1: Metcon (No Measure)
30 Seconds Odd-object Deadlift
30 Seconds Wall Squats
20 Overhead Circles (10 Each Direction)
10 Inchworms
2: Metcon (Time)
“Mashed Potatoes”( No Equipment Version)
On the 0:00…
Round #1:
5 Rounds of “Sindee”
50 Odd- Object Ground to Shoulder
On the 8:00…
4 Rounds of “Sindee”
40 Odd-Object Squats
On the 16:00…
3 Rounds of “Sindee”
30 Odd-Object Thrusters
“Mashed Potatoes”
On the 0:00…
5 Rounds of “Strict Cindy”
50 Single Dumbbell Power Cleans
On the 8:00…
4 Rounds of “Strict Cindy”
40 Dumbbell Goblet Squats
On the 16:00…
3 Rounds of “Strict Cindy”
30 Alternating Single Arm Squat Clean Thrusters
This 3 part workout is scored separately, with the score being the sum of all three parts
Choose weights and variations that enable you to complete each part in 5-7 minutes
You will rest the remainder of the 8 minutes until the next part begins
Each part begins on the 8 (0:00, 8:00, 16:00)
With 5+ minutes of work and 1-3 minutes of rest, these won’t be all out sprints, rather repeats at about 85-90% of your max effort
With rest built-in, let’s shoot for really large sets on the odd-object movements
Odd-Object ground to shoulder will alternate shoulders each rep
1 round of “Sindee” is:
10 Push-ups
20 Air Squats