CrossFit East River – WOD
Toes-To-Bar (Strength and skill – warm-up
3s x 5 reps
A) Contact with bar
B) Toes to target in space
C) Hollow/Arch w/Knee raise)
Bench Press (Every 2m x 10 (5 sets)
3 Bench Press)
– A move not normally done in CF gyms, we can build to a heavy 3 today.
“Keep Climbing” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
In 10 min climb the ladder:
5 wall balls
5 box jump overs
–rest :20 —
10 wall balls
10 box jump overs
–rest :20–
15 wall balls
15 box jump overs
–rest :20 —
etc …
x: 20/14″ box
+: 30/24″ box
Score is round achieved plus reps.
ex: finished round of 15 + 10 Wall balls = 15 + 10