WOD – Wed, Dec 20
December 20, 2023Uncategorized
CrossFit East River – WOD
Shoulder Press (Build to a heavy single
Find a heavy single strict press. Athletes should look to build quickly to avoid burning the shoulders out early.
Stations (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM x 4 Rounds
m1: Wall Walks / as far as can / inch-worms
m2: Front Squats
m3: Cals Row
m4: Rest
s: 105/75
x: 145/105
Score is max reps
– Fight gone bad style metcon.
Target – We are looking to minimize rest breaks in each minute to accumulate as many reps as possible. Find a steady pace to hold throughout. A good strategy is to plan to stop about 5 seconds early to move to the next movement. Most movements will require breaks at some point so try to plan ahead for where those breaks will be.
Feel – High intensity grind.
Flow – If needed stagger to start at different minutes to share equipment.