Beast River Fitness – WOD
EMOM (No Measure)
EMOM x 30 (:45 / :15)
1) 12/9 Bike
2) 2 Rope Climbs / 1 Peg Board
3) 20 V-ups
4) HSPU Negatives / Strict HSPU
5) Hollow Hold
6) Rest
Your workout of the day!
EMOM x 30 (:45 / :15)
1) 12/9 Bike
2) 2 Rope Climbs / 1 Peg Board
3) 20 V-ups
4) HSPU Negatives / Strict HSPU
5) Hollow Hold
6) Rest
– Use a ‘training max’ of 90% of your 1RM to determine percentages.
– Athletes unsure of their %s should build to a heavy 3 they can stand up with technical proficiency.
– OR athletes can build to heavier than last weeks 3×5.
– The + means athletes should do MAX reps on the last set.
DB Snatch (50/35)
EMOM x 7
2 Push Jerks at 80-85% of Push Press.
– Focus on pushing under the bar and catching with locked out arms.
In 12min… with a Partner
-Part A: 5min
-Rest 2min
-Part B: 5min
Part A: 5 Min Cap
10 RNDs (5/each)
7 Toes 2 Bar / knee raises
7 Burpees Box Jump Overs
*Score will be time or reps completed at cap.
Rest 2min
before part B.
5 TTB / knee raises
5 Burpee Box Jump Over
– This a very tight time cap, athletes must pick a rep scheme they sprint or go unbroken.
– For set-up keep empty bars off to the side. In the 2min ‘rest’ establish bars back on the rig.
Part B: 5min Cap
Partners take turns to establish a MAX Shoulder to Overhead.
– Each partner takes a turn on the Barbell in a you go I go fashion. Lift for lift.
– If both partners cannot complete the lift the heaviest weight is then scored.
– Once a partner misses a lift they cannot attempt a heavier.
– Lifts can come out of the rack.
A: 50
B: 60
A: 70
B: — miss 75
A: 75*
B: —- miss 80
A: —-miss 80
Score is 75
EMOM x 8
2 Hang Squat Cleans
– Focus on Pulling Under the bar and standing a med/heavy weight up.
-Weight will be at or slightly lighter than last week. 80-85% of Clean complex or 75-80% of 1RM Clean
– Focus more on technique than weight
Partner WOD:
64 Front Squats
64 Hang Cleans
64 Cal Row (bike if possible)
Cap 9min
Rx: 145/105
Scale: 105/75
Split reps as desired in any order. But, each component must be completed in entirety before moving on to another. Example, you can begin with Row/Bike first, but you must complete the 64c before moving on to any other movement.
Cleans can be power or squat.
EMOM x 8
2 Squat Snatches @ 80% 1 RM
50 Unbroken Single Under Buy-in
OHS (95/65)
Ring Dips (can kip)
50 Unbroken Single Under Cash out
75 Unbroken Singles
Strict Ring Dips
Can have 3 misses
OHS (45/35)
Diamond Push-ups
EMOM x 15min
1) 5-8 Seated DB/KB Press
2) 3-5 Ring Pull-ups
3) :30 Hollow Hold
IF can do 5+ Ring pull-ups add weight.
Double KB Hang Swing Clean and Jerk (53/35)
Can sub 50/35 DBs
Partner AMRAPs
15/11c Row
15 Wall Ball
Rest 2
200m Run
100′ Bear Crawl
Rest 2
10/7 Bike
25 Air Squats
Athletes can sub Handstand walking attempts – 25′
Score is total rounds and reps complete.
Each completed move = 1
15/11 Row = 1
15 Wall Ball = 1
200m run = 1
100′ Bear = 1
10/7 Bike = 1
25 Squats = 1
-Beginning of the Wendler cycle. Athletes should be able to complete all sets and reps. Use a Working max of 90%.
-Take 90% of your max and use that to make %s.
-If your true max is 100 = your Working Max is 90.
-Take %s based off 90.
-If the %s are too heavy for good form take off 5-10%.
-The + means athletes should do MAX reps on the last set. Aim for a couple more. Varies athlete to athlete.
150 Singles + 20 Burpee Step-ups (alt.legs)
75 DU + 15 Box Jumps
25 Criss Cross Singles + 10 Burpee Box Jumps
150 Singles
100 Singles
50 Singles
Cap 10
Criss Cross Doubles.
30/24″ for Box Jumps and BBJ
EMOM x 30
1) :30 Handstand Hold
2) 200m Run
3) 5 Push Press (5-5-5-5-5)
4) 10 C2B / Pull-ups
5) 3 HSPU Slow Negatives / Pike Slow Negatives
6) Rest
Can Deficit the HSPU
Stand out or Kip out of negatives
Push Press %:
Push press comes from the floor to save space.
@ 80% Clean or 85% Clean Complex
Build to 80-85% before complex and stay at weight across EMOM. Should be challenging but doable.
Aim for consistency and focusing on P. Clean technique while hitting depth in squat.
Partner Sprint
6 RNDs
20/15c Row
5 Power Cleans (185/125)
Rx+: 225/150
Scale: 115/85
In a you go I go fashion. Each partner completes a full round while the other rests. Reset rower each time. Each partner completes 3 rnds.