Beast River Fitness – WOD
CARDiO’s (Time)
30c/22c Bike
Rest 2m
1000/800m Row
Rest 2m
1 mile run
Score is total time with rest.
Athletes can complete the three cardio movements in any order they choose.
Your workout of the day!
30c/22c Bike
Rest 2m
1000/800m Row
Rest 2m
1 mile run
Score is total time with rest.
Athletes can complete the three cardio movements in any order they choose.
This week we let’s re-test the moves of this cycle from week of Aug. 15th. Get some rest, drink water, sleep well and lift things! Let’s GO!!
1 Power Clean
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 FS
Build to a heavy single.
30/24c Row
20 Burpee Box Jump Over
10 Clean (185/125)
cap 7min
S: 115/85
Rx: 185/125
EMOM (:30/:30) X 4 Rounds
Rnd 1: Hold First
Rnd 2: Hold Second
Rnd 3: Hold First
Rnd 4: Hold Second
Rnd 1: (:30/:30)
m1: OH DBL KB Hold / Push Press (35/18)
m2: Rest
m3: Goblet Wall Sit / Goblet Squats (35/18)
m4: Rest
m5: Plank Hold / HR Push ups
m6: Rest
m7: Hollow Hold / V-ups Knee Tucks
m8: Rest
Score: 1 rep = 1p point
Subtract -1 point for every second of the hold athletes cannot complete.
Squat 30 reps = 30pts
Hold 20s of 30 = subtract -10 points
Total is 20 points
Burpees over Bar
*500/400m Row
Scl: 65/45
Rx: 95/65
Rx+: 115/85
In 3min Complete:
B and Back Run
Max Rope Climbs
Rest 2 min
In 3min Complete:
B and Back Run
Max Wall Balls (20/14)
Rest 2 min
In 3min Complete:
B and Back Run
Max DB Snatch (50/35)
Rest 2 min
Repeat for a total of 2 rounds at each.
Score is total reps of max movements.
%: 40-50-60 / 75-85-95
– Use 90% of your 1 RM to determine percentages.
– If repeating from last Wendler cycle increase weight by 5-15 lbs to find a challenging last set.
Re-testing full MAX next week so stay under max, but push something approaching top percentage.
7 Rnds
7 Front Squat
6 Burpees
5 Toes to Bar
Scl: 65/45
Rx: 95/65
(Cap 8 min)
Handstand Push-Ups (can kip)
Pull-Ups – Strict
HSPU: 1-3 Ab mats
Negatives / Piked Push-ups / DB Strict Press
Pull-ups: Banded or Ring Rows
Strict HSPU
Weighted Pull-ups (of any weight) (score heaviest DB)
Time cap 17 min
Look to break up the bigger sets early as majority of work is 10…7 into small manageable sets.
Repeat from 10/27/21
3-4 Rounds: Not for time
6-8 DB Seat Press
8-12 Bent Over DB Reverse Fly
10-15 Band Tricep Push-Downs
:30s Hollow Hold
Last week before re-test. Build to close to MAX weight and prep to send it next week. Dust off the cob webs and hit the depth your mobility allows.
New Athletes can Power Snatch + Overhead squat to depth to build familiarity.
3 Squat Snatch
30 DU
3 Overhead Squats
30 DU
Scl: 95/65
Rx: 135/95
Every :90s x 7: up to 90%
Build so last 3 sets are at 90%.
%: 75-80-85-85-90-90-90
PARTNER WOD: Alternating Movements
AMRAP 14 min
14/11c Row
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs – (Face if space)
5 Cleans (power or squat)
— Round 1 — A starts
A: 14/11c Row
B: 7 Burpee Box Jump Overs
A: 5 Cleans
— Round 2 — B starts
B: 14/11c Row
A: 7 Burpee Box Jump Overs
B: 5 Cleans
— etc. etc.—
Scale: 115/85
Rx: 185/125
Rx+: 225/150