Summer “SWEAT” shirts
CrossFit East River – WOD
Strength & Skill (No Measure)
3 sets
3-5 Hollow/ Arch swings
-rest :30 –
3-5 Butterfly Circles / Foot or Box supported
-rest :30 –
3-5 progressively higher t pull ups from chin over to CTB
-rest :30 –
“Mind Bottling” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
400m run
12 CTB pull ups / Banded
6 Power clean and jerks
–rest 60 sec between sets —
s: 115/85
x: 155/105
+: Add 3 BMU after P. Clean
The CTB are expected to be broken up into 2-4 sets and the barbell should be approached as confident small sets as well.