Ladies WOD: 8/26
CrossFit East River – WOD
Metcon (Time)
4 ROUNDS – Cap 30
30 Sit-ups
25 Air Squats
20 Push-ups
15 Box Jumps
10 HSPU / Piked / Press
5 TTB / Knee Raises
Rx+: Deficit HSPU
Your workout of the day!
Ladies WOD: 8/26
4 ROUNDS – Cap 30
30 Sit-ups
25 Air Squats
20 Push-ups
15 Box Jumps
10 HSPU / Piked / Press
5 TTB / Knee Raises
Rx+: Deficit HSPU
Ladies WOD: 8/26
Partner – Synchro (all reps): Cap: 20m
Deadlifts: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18
Wall Walks: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
B.O.B.: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18
s: 185 LB / 135 LB
x: 225 LB / 175 LB
*Scaled: Inchworms to full standing.
– We’ll give a longer time cap on this first attempt.
– Comp time cap is tight: 13min
Ladies WOD: 8/26
in 5min complete
30/24c Row
6 Devil’s Press
36 DU / CC / 50 SU
s: 35s/20s
x: 50s/35s / DU or CC
+: 70s/50s / CCDU
*Rest in remaining time.
*Score is accumulated rest remaining.
– This is a take on one of our favs…
– Calories and Devil’s Press reps reduced to encourage strong effort to complete.
– Grip fatigue from row to Devil’s Press will be a factor. Athletes should loosen the grip on the row and break Devil’s as necessary to keep moving quickly.
Ladies WOD: 8/26
2 P. Cleans +
1 Push Jerk
– This is a primer for the WOD.
– Practice your same TNG form for the workout.
Three 4 Min AMRAPs:
5 Power Cleans
10 Burpees
–Rest 2min–
4 Push Jerks
8 Box Jumps
-Rest 2 Mins–
3 Clean & Jerks
6 Burpee Box Jumps
s: 115/85
x: 155/105
+: 185/125
Score is Rounds + Reps
Ladies WOD: 8/26
Partner Workout: All movements split as desired
30/24c Row
40 Front Squats
100 DU/CC / 150 SU
40/32c Row
30 OHS
100 DU/CC / 150 SU
50/40c Row
20 Thrusters
100 DU/CC / 150 SU
Cap 25
s: 95/65
x: 105/70
+: 125/90
– Partners can split all the work as desired.
– Switch often to make sure that the pair keeps moving through everything and no one needs an extended break.
– Weight should allow for sets of 5-10 at a time for each partner.
Ladies WOD: 8/26
– Build up and get 2-3 solid attempts at a heavy single on the bench.
– Repeat from 7/7
3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#
12 Pull-ups
– Repeat from 7/7
Ladies WOD: 8/26
3 RNDs
Every :50 (:30 on / :20 off)
1: Janda Toe Reaches
2: Straddle Leg Lefts (5/sd)
3: Hollow Flutter Kicks
AMRAP 20, with a (3m on : 1m off)
20/16c Row
20 Lunge Steps (walking if space)
20s Wall Sit Hold
20 DU / CC / 40 SU
= 1
20/16c Row
20ft HS Walk / 2 Wall Walks / 2 As Far As Possible
20s Wall facing HS Hold
20 DU / CC / 40 SU
= 1
*If complete both = 2.
*There is designated 1m rest every 3minutes in this AMRAP.
– The goal for today is 7/10 RPE meaning a roughly 70% effort. Members should never feel like they are losing their paces set at the beginning.
Feel – Moderate effort with 1m rest to recover.
Ladies WOD: 8/26
– We are retesting the back squat today.
– Perform the sets of 5,5,3 on the 90 seconds; then slow the 3 singles on the 2 minutes for more rest.
– Use the 5s and 3 to build up to weights that will start to be challenging for singles.
12 Goblet Squats
10 Hand Release Push-Ups
8 Goblet Step-Ups (4/4) (Knee height 20″)
s: 35/20
x: 50/35
+: 70/50
*20″ for most
– Lower is better or at knee height
– The rep scheme should be small enough to allow for unbroken sets to start. The goblet position will tax the arms and shoulders making the push ups more difficult so we recommend breaking the push ups early.
– Sharing athletes can alternate step-up reps.
Ladies WOD: 8/26
3-4 Rounds
1-2-3 reps of Bar Muscle-ups
A – Box Jumping
B – Banded
– Build to a scale that works for 2-3 Reps
– Find a box height that allows athletes to get over the bar.
– Find a band configuration that allows successful reps.
2 BMU / 3 Strict C2B / Banded
4 Bar Dips / Diamond Push-ups
8 DB Snatches alt.
10 V-ups
s: 35/20
x: 50/35
+: 70/50
Dips: Performed after the BMU on top of the bar.
Scale: Athletes can use their box for the diamond push-ups if off the ground is challenging.
Cash-out – if time: Empty BB Curls*: cap 7
s: 50 / *1 Wall Walks
x: 75 / *2 Wall Walks
+: 100 / *3 Wall Walks
*Every Break: Wall Walks
– Athletes can mix their wall walk number but for scoring purposes, wall walks must match s/x/+.
Ladies WOD: 8/26
Build to a max for the day – from the ground)
– Retest from 7/10.
Power Snatch
Bar Facing Burpee
s: 55/65
x: 75/55
+: 95/65
Time Cap: 7 minutes
– Re-test from 7/10.