CrossFit East River – WOD
“Mortal Kombat” (AMRAP – Reps)
Partner 1 vs. Partner 2: 3 RNDs/each
In a 3 min AMRAP window:
Partner A performs AMRAP:
15 KBS (50/35)
12 TTB / reduce volume to 8 / knees
9 HR push ups
Partner B performs:
Max Row cals
– rest 2 min, switch
– repeat until both partners complete 3 rounds. Each rowing 3x, each AMRAP’ing 3x.
Calories subtracted from AMRAP.
– 36 reps in a single round.
– Each person will perform the amrap 3X and the row 3X.
Partner A: AMRAPs for 36 reps
Partner B: Rows for 30 cals
36-30 = +6 for Partner A