CrossFit East River – WOD
Back Squat (3×10 @ 60% 1RM)
Metcon (Calories)
6 Rounds for Calories
Row 45s
Rest 90s
Your workout of the day!
6 Rounds for Calories
Row 45s
Rest 90s
Hello Moby
20-Minute AMRAP of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
3 Rounds (12 min)
Min 1: Gymnastics Complex
Min 2: 20 Wall Balls
Min 3: Rest
-10 Strict Banded Pull-ups
-4 Strict Chin-ups, 4 Strict Pull-ups, 4 Kipping, 4 Kipping C2B
-30 (or 12ft target w/ 20)/20
100 Back Squats 95/65
Perform 5 Burpees EMOM
6 minute time cap.
Rx+ 135/95
Double-under and triple-under practice for 10 minutes, at least.
You must work on DOUBLES!
For Time:
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 air squats
15 minute EMOM / 5 rounds of:
Min 1: 7 Thrusters (Bar,65/55,95/65)
Min 2: 10 Calories on Rower
Min 3: Rest (use time to add weight)
Add weight @ minute 4, 7, 10. Keep weight constant for remaining rounds.
Coach’s Choice
*Then thorough review of OHS.*
3 minute AMRAP:
15 Calories on Rower
15 Burpees over Rower
15 Ring Dips
Rest 3 minutes between rounds.
Posted lowest score out of the 3 AMRAPs to WODIFY.
Round 1 = 2 Rounds
Round 2 = 2 Rounds + 4 reps
Round 3 = 1 Round + 44 reps
Your score = 1 Round + 44 reps
170-lb. bench presses, 13 reps
Then, complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
77 double-unders
170-lb. squat clean thrusters, 2 reps
28 sit-ups
Sgt. Gary “Foo” Morales, of the Port St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office in Florida, died Feb. 28, 2013. Morales, 35, was fatally shot during a traffic stop. The Air Force veteran was employed by the St. Lucie County Sherriff’s Office for 12 years and had just been promoted to Sergeant Deputy. He is survived by his wife, Holly; daughters, Brooklyn and Jordan; parents, William and Candy; brothers, Brian, Ken and Brad; grandmother, Romanita Rodriguez; and eight nieces and nephews.
30 Sit ups
20 Wall Balls 20/14
10 Hang Squat Cleans 135/95
Do this WOD in preparation for Saturday’s Barbell Brunch. 15.1
Arm, elbow and shoulder circles
Upright and bent-over torso rotations
Leg swings
Scorpions and helicopters
Bow & bend
Lunge & twist
ALSO: shoulder mobility
5 Ring Rows / Pull-ups
10 Burpees
15 KBS
Burpee Step Ups 24/20
Deadlifts 115/85
(80% effort)
20 EMOM for as long as possible
5 Thrusters (Bar)
5 Ring Rows
5 Burpees
“Bergeron Beep Test”