CrossFit East River – WOD
1: Front Squat (2RM)
Establish a 2RM. Insert into WODIFY to have 1RM rep prediction .
2: 1000m Row (Time)
Max Effort 1000m Row
Your workout of the day!
Establish a 2RM. Insert into WODIFY to have 1RM rep prediction .
Max Effort 1000m Row
20-Minute AMRAP of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Pistols (5-L / 5-R)
15 Pull-ups
Couch Stretch (Left/Right) for 30 seconds
10 Air Squats
10 Cossack Squats
Forward and Backward Walk with Band x 10 yrds
Squatted Lateral Walk with Band x 10 yrds (Left/Right)
10 Inchworms + Pushup
Deadlifts w/ bar or KB
Burpees over the bar
a)Fitness in 100 Words
b) Macronutrients
c) Glycemic Index
High Support
Low Support
Ring Dips
7 minute AMRAP
7 Ring Rows / Pull-ups
7 Pushups
7 Box Jumps
a) Mobility with foam rollers
b) Sleep
c) Inflammation – Omega 3s
d) Booze
For Time:
50 Box jumps, 24″
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
50 steps Walking Lunge
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45#
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20#
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Chronic Disease: “We Have the Answer.” CrossFit.
(establish hasty 1RM press if unknown)
5 Rounds for time:
50 Double Unders
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks
“The Art & Science fo Timing Your Carb Intake.” Poliquin Group.
3 Rope Climbs
6 Wall walks
9 DB Hang Squat Cleans (2×50/35)
Glycemic index for 60+ foods. Harvard Medical School.
16 Rounds of 0:45 ON / 0:15 OFF
Deadlifts 225/155
Box Jumps 24/20
Rower/Bike for cals
“Picking the Perfect Protein” The Box Mag.
5 Rounds for time:
30 Kettlebell Swings, 70#
30 Burpees
30 GHD Sit-ups
In honor of Marine Staff Sgt Daniel Hansen died February 14th in Farah Providence, Afghanistan.
To learn more about Hansen click here
*All athletes will perform ab mat sit-ups (not GHD sit-ups)
24 tabata rounds
Rotating each round between
1) Push Press 135/95
2) Burpees over the bar
3) V-ups from a hollow body (PERFECT)
Score is total reps.
When to eat protein?
5 RFT:
Row 250m
Hold Ring Support for total 25s
15 Overhead Squats 75/55
Hold L-Hang for total 25s