CrossFit East River – WOD
“As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.” – Socrates
A core belief of ours is to “always be a student”. Regardless of age, experience, accomplishments… there is always so much to learn. And if we retain this mindset, it allows us to keep our eyes open for the next improvement.
Let’s draw two themes from this: One is that everyone is a teacher, we can learn from every interaction, if only we look for it. Two, that we should challenge our assumptions. When we believe we have things figured out, have we truly seen it from all angles? It’s never easy to become a “victim of the landscape”, falling complacent simply because we’ve done something so many times before. It’s working perhaps, but, could it be better?
Always open-minded, eager to learn. Always a student.
1: Metcon (No Measure)
8 Minutes Straight
1 Minute line-Hops
1 Minute Glute Bridges Video
1 Minute line-hops
1:00 Hollow RocksVideo
1 Minute line-hops
1 Minute Glute Bridge Walkouts Video
1 Minute line-hops
1 Minute Sit-Ups
2: Metcon (Time)
“Double Down” (No Equipment Version)
For Time:
100 Line Hops, 50 Sit-Ups, 400m Run
80 Line Hops, 40 Sit-Ups, 400m Run
60 Line Hops, 30 Sit-Ups, 400m Run
40 Line Hops, 20 Sit-Ups, 400m Run
20 Line Hops, 10 Sit-Ups, 400m Run
“Double Down”
For Time:
400m Run
100 DU, 50 Sit-Ups, 400m Run
80 DU, 40 Sit-Ups, 400m Run
60 DU, 30 Sit-Ups, 400m Run
40 DU, 20 Sit-Ups, 400m Run
20 DU, 10 Sit-Ups, 400m Run
This big, longer chipper workout will challenge our metabolic conditioning
Let’s chip away at the line hops and sit-ups movements in manageable chunks
A good overarching rule for this workout is that the second half of the workout should be performed at the same speed or FASTER than the first
Use a line in the floor or tape to create a lateral jumping pattern, over and back counts as 1 line hop
If we stay under control for the first half, we’ll be able to attack the second half
Find paces and break-up strategies that you see yourself improving upon