CrossFit East River – WOD
Metcon (No Measure)
Checkout the PDF here for a partial look at this week’s programming.
Checkout the PDF here for a partial look at this week’s programming.
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has already taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw
Have you ever believed that someone fully understood what you said, but it turned out they were far off base? Sometimes it turns out to be funny, but sometimes… it’s not. And emotions flare.
Let’s say we used all the right words, said in all of the right tonalities. Or, so we think at the time. Because where perception is reality, misunderstandings will take place. It’s a human condition. When the mother asks her son, “is your room clean”, we can imagine two very different interpretations.
Is the child wrong? Is the mother wrong? We can agree, neither. Both are perceptions. So how can we get better at this? It’s less about trying to master it, and more, about being understanding of it. Where both mother and son believed to be in the right, there’s no one to blame. Keep cool, recognize the situation for what it truly is, and simply communicate further.
“Supple Sunday”
5 Giant Sets:
8 Reverse Burpees
12 Pausing Glute Bridges
16 Weighted Sit-ups
20 Single Leg Glute Bridges (10 Each Leg)
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
“Supple Sunday” is designed to challenge mostly our strength, control, and positioning over our conditioning
This lower intensity piece is not for time, rather for quality
“Giant Sets” mean you’ll move with a purpose from one movement to the next without sacrificing technique or standards
There is no score today – but you can record the any notes on the workout for future reference
“If you put limits on everything you do – physical or anything else – it will spread into your work and your life. There are no limits, only plateaus, and we must go beyond them.” – Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee was involved in a horrific motorcycle accident when he was younger. He was told, he would never be able to walk again.
In that moment, he had a choice. To believe that his life was limited, to which a self-fulfilling prophecy would have followed. Or, he could choose to believe that there truly are no limits – only the ones we impose on ourselves.
Bruce made his choice. He chose to believe in cause and effect, and he put in the work. When times got hard, he got harder. When he reached a plateau, he recognized it for what it was. Not a limit, but the next challenge. And he found a way to overcome.
Bruce made his choice. When we reach our next challenge, what will be ours? Will we see it as our limit, or as the plateau that it truly is?
1 Round:
400 Meter Easy Jog
2 Rounds:
30 Seconds Active Spidermans
30 Seconds Active Samson
30 Seconds Inchworm to Push-ups
3 Rounds:
10 Mountain Climbers (10 Each Leg)
10 Single Dumbbell Deadlifts (5 Each Side – Hit Between Feet)
10 Reverse Lunges (5 Each Side)
“Wedding March”
For Time:
50 Burpees
1 Mile Run
75 Odd Object Ground to Overhead
1 Mile Run
100 Meter Walking Lunge
“Wedding March”
For Time:
50 Burpees
1 Mile Run
75 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches
1 Mile Run
100 Meter Walking Lunge
Working through a long chipper workout to start off the weekend
In this steady grind of a workout, the goal is to keep moving forward as much as possible by pushing through larger sets of odd object ground to overheads
We expect this piece to take around 25-35 minutes to complete
Body Armor
Tabata Side Planks:
8 Rounds:
20 Seconds On
10 Seconds Rest
A simple and effective core focus for today’s Body Armor piece
The challenge here comes from completing all 8 rounds on 1 side before switching to the other side
Focus on keeping your hips high and pushed forward so the body is in a straight line from head to toe
There is no rest between sides on top of the 10 seconds of rest following the 8th set
With some rest built in, try to hold for as much of the 20 seconds as possible
“Patience is not the virtue. Discipline is.”
Discipline is not reserved for the military for martial artists. Whereas patience is our anchor for holding steady through the storm, it is our discipline that pushes us forward.
Discipline to our commitments, regardless of how large or seemingly small.
Discipline to our values, staying true to ourselves in both our best and worst moments.
Discipline to the details, when there’s every excuse in the world to “let it slide”.
Patience is a subset of a deeper practice. That of discipline.
1 Round:
1 Minute Hollow Hold
1 Minute Wall Sit
1 Minute Front Plank
2 Rounds:
30 Seconds Push-up to Down Dog
30 Seconds Single Leg Glute Bridges (Each Side)
30 Seconds Slow Air Squats
3 Rounds:
3 Push-ups
6 Odd Object Rows
9 Air Squats
9 Push-ups
15 Odd Object Rows
21 Air Squats
Minutes 0-10: Wear Pack or Weight Vest
Minutes 11-20: Bodyweight
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
Minutes 0-10: **Wear Pack or Weight Vest **Minutes 11-20: Bodyweight
“Cindvee” is a twist on a popular benchmark workout
For the first 10 minutes of the workout, you’ll complete this triplet workout weighted
You can use a weight vest or a back pack loaded with weight
You’ll ditch the weight for the final 10 minutes, finishing out the workout with just your bodyweight
9 Push-ups
15 Odd Object Rows
21 Air Squats
Minutes 0-10: Wear Pack or Weight Vest
Minutes 11-20: Bodyweight
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
Minutes 0-10: **Wear Pack or Weight Vest **Minutes 11-20: Bodyweight
“Cindvee” is a twist on a popular benchmark workout
For the first 10 minutes of the workout, you’ll complete this triplet workout weighted
You can use a weight vest or a back pack loaded with weight
You’ll ditch the weight for the final 10 minutes, finishing out the workout with just your bodyweight
Body Armor
3 Sets For Max Reps:
Single Arm Kneeling Arnold Strict Press (Each Side)
We’re working shoulder stamina in today’s Body Armor
Complete max unbroken reps on each arm of a Single Arm Kneeling Arnold Strict Press
When the bell is on the shoulders, the palm will be rotated to face the body
As you press the bell overhead, you’ll rotate the hand to a neutral position
Focus on keeping the chest upright and torso static throughout the movement
Choose a weight that ideally allows for 10+ reps each set
Rest as needed between arms and sets
Body Armor
3 Sets For Max Reps:
Single Arm Kneeling Arnold Strict Press (Each Side)
We’re working shoulder stamina in today’s Body Armor
Complete max unbroken reps on each arm of a Single Arm Kneeling Arnold Strict Press
When the bell is on the shoulders, the palm will be rotated to face the body
As you press the bell overhead, you’ll rotate the hand to a neutral position
Focus on keeping the chest upright and torso static throughout the movement
Choose a weight that ideally allows for 10+ reps each set
Rest as needed between arms and sets
“When doing your risk analysis, how do you measure the risk of doing nothing?”
There will always be a reason to wait. Always a reason to push to tomorrow. To await that “right moment”. This is a pitfall we’ve all found ourselves in… we wait for perfect.
Every single one of us has experienced this… we held off on something, and maybe never started, ultimately because we genuinely believed we were going to fail. Or at least, not get it right, to the extent we wanted.
A lens to view these decisions through, is to put us 10 years from now. What is is the bigger risk – to look back and realize that the attempt didn’t come exactly the way we had envisioned, or… to look back and realize that we never tried?
Sometimes the biggest risk is never taking one. Sometimes we just need to jump, and build our wings on the way down.
Running Line Drills
High Knee Karaoke
Over the Hurdle
Knee to Chest
Cradle Stretch
Walking Samson
Lunge & Twist (Over Front Leg)
Toe Touches
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Straight Leg Hops
Side Shuffles
Side Shuffle with Jumping Jacks
Toes Out Walk
Toes In Walk
Heel Walk
Toe Walk
Outside Foot Walk
Inside Foot Walk
Fast Feet
“Tosh Sprints”
3 Rounds:
200 Meter Run
400 Meter Run
600 Meter Run
Rest 1:1 Between Runs
“Tosh Sprints” is a simple and effective interval style workout
You’ll work through 3 rounds of 3 distances, resting the same amount of time you worked between runs
For Example: If it took you :45 seconds to complete the 200 meter run, you will rest :45 seconds before beginning the 400 meter run
You will follow this 1:1 work to rest ratio for each distance
With rest built into each round, the goal is to move quickly through each effort
Your score is the total time, including rest, it takes you to complete the 3 rounds
We can expect this piece to take around 25-35 minutes to complete
250 Meters
500 Meters
750 Meters
500 Meters
1000 Meters
1500 Meters
14/10 Calories
28/20 Calories
42/30 Calories
20/14 Calories
40/28 Calories
60/42 Calories
“The carpenter doesn’t show up to the job with a single hammer, and a single nail.”
To the carpenter, no two jobs are the same.
He may bring the exact same toolbox, yet each build has something different about it. So we realize, it’s not the tools that made it different… it’s something about the carpenter.
Think of every skill and craft we practice as a vote towards a larger goal. The goal of adaptability. To be able to flow into any situation, like water, able to approach from a hundred different angles.
Because just like the carpenter, we won’t ever know the specifics of the next problem until we’re in it. Uncertainty is the only certainty. But also just like the carpenter, it’s not the toolbox that solves the problem. It’s the mind behind it.
1 Minute Active Spidermans
40 Seconds Single Dumbbell Deadlifts (20 Seconds Each Side)
1 Minute Frog Hops
40 Seconds Single Dumbbell Russian Swings (20 Seconds Each Side)
1 Minute Mountain Climbers
40 Seconds Single Dumbbell Push Press (20 Seconds Each Side)
“Grip and Rip”
[On the 0:00]
For Time:
21 Burpees
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
18 Burpees
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
15 Burpees
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
12 Burpees
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
[On the 10:00]
For Time:
21 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
18 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
15 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
12 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Odd Object DT”
“Grip and Rip”
[On the 0:00]
For Time:
21 Burpees
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
18 Burpees
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
15 Burpees
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
12 Burpees
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
[On the 10:00]
For Time:
21 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
18 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
15 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
12 Air Squats Hops Over Dumbbell
1 Round of “Dumbbell DT”
We’ll complete rounds of an Odd Object version of a popular Hero Workout in today’s two part workout
Part 1 of the workout is for time and begins on the 0:00
In this section, you’ll alternate between burpees and 1 round of “Odd Object DT”
“Odd Object DT” goes as follows:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
We’ll time cap Part 1 at 9 minutes to allow for at least 1 minute or rest before beginning part 2
Part 2 is also for time and begins on the 10:00
In this section, you’ll alternate between air squat hops over the Odd Object and 1 round of “Odd Object DT”
There is no time cap for this part
Your score is the sum total of Part 1 + Part 2
“One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness. It usually comes back to you.” – Anonymous
Science has shown us that showing kindness to another elicits one of the most powerful hormonally driven emotions we can feel. But what is even more interesting, is that kindness is contagious.
Think back to the last time you saw someone else doing something generous. Maybe it was as simple of a gesture as someone holding the door open for an elderly citizen entering a store. Or when another randomly buys the next person in line behind them their coffee at the drive-through Starbucks. Think back to those moments… how did you feel, witnessing that? Did it make you feel, more generous?
If kindness is contagious, we just need to start the chain.
Easy Jog:
400 Meters
3 Rounds:
30 Seconds Knuckle Drags
30 Second Hollow Hold
30 Second Active Samson
3 Rounds:
50 Odd Object Rows
400 Meter Run
50 Sit-ups
800 Meter Run
3 Rounds:
25 Strict Pull-ups
400 Meter Run
50 Sit-ups
800 Meter Run
3 movements and 3 rounds in today’s longer workout
We expect this piece to take around 30-36 minutes to complete
“The fact of the matter, is that it’s just my opinion.” Benjamin Franklin
Have you ever caught yourself saying, “Well the fact of the matter is…”?
Sometimes we can be so sure of something, that we forget that it’s actually not a fact. And that it’s truthfully just our opinion.
We are a proud, dedicated group. With strong, passionate beliefs. That is an amazing quality, and on the character level, one we do want to cultivate. Yet, there is a tipping point here.
We can hold such strong thoughts about something, that we can literally blind ourselves to another perspective. Another way of doing things. To continue to grow into the next best version of ourselves, Franklin’s quote brings us back to a core focus of ours, humility. To always have an open mind, and to always be a student.
4 Sets:
30 Seconds Single Unders
30 Seconds Slow Air Squats
30 Seconds Push-up to Down Dog
“Seventy Two”
1 Odd Object Hang Squat Clean
1 Odd Object Thruster
30 Line Hops
2 Odd Object Hang Squat Cleans
2 Odd Object Thrusters
30 Line Hops
3 Odd Object Hang Squat Cleans
3 Odd Object Thrusters
30 Line Hops
Continue to Add (1) Rep to Odd Object Movements Per Round
“Seventy Two”
1 Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean
1 Double Dumbbell Thruster
30 Double Unders
2 Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
2 Double Dumbbell Thrusters
30 Double Unders
3 Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
3 Double Dumbbell Thrusters
30 Double Unders
Continue to Add (1) Rep to Dumbbell Movements Per Round
We’ll climb the ladder for 15 minutes in today’s ascending rep scheme workout
After each set of line hops, which remain at 30, the odd object reps will climb by 1 rep
We’ll use [Rounds + Reps] as our scoring choice to keep things simple
For Example: If you finish the round of 8’s and complete 6 hang squat cleans in the round of 9’s – your score is 8 Rounds + 6 Reps
“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.” – David Oglivy
One of the most dangerous things we can do in life: to dream too small.
What stops dreamers from dreaming, is fear.
We can convince ourselves that we don’t have what it takes. That we’re not ready yet. That we’re too young or too old.. This fear, in and of itself, is the dream killer. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy from that point forward, as we can’t accomplish what we can’t believe.
It doesn’t start with the dream. It starts with the belief. The belief that we deserve to step up to the plate, and put the ball over the fences.
:30 Side Plank (R)
:30 Side Plank (L)
10 Up-Down + 2 Push-Up*
10 Alt. Deadbugs
*1 Rep = Jump back into a tall plank, perform 2 push-ups, then jump forward into an air squat stance, and stand tall
“Supple Sunday”
4 Rounds (20 Minutes Total):
:40 Second Weighted Hollow Hold
:20 Seconds Rest
:40 Second Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
:20 Seconds Rest
:40 Second Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat Hold (Left)
:20 Seconds Rest
:40 Second Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat Hold (Right)
:20 Seconds Rest
This static hold heavy workout is primarily focused on our midline and overhead stability
You’ll work through 4 rounds of 40 seconds on and 20 seconds of rest
Following the last movement, you’ll rest 1:20 before beginning the next round
This piece takes 20 minutes in total
Record weights used for each round in the score section
You can increase in load or stay the same across the board
“Shallow people believe in luck and circumstance. Strong people believe in cause and effect” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
We can choose to believe that life is happening to us, or that we are fully in control.
We could stand by, and wait for life to happen to us. Or, we can choose to believe that we have a say in our own story. That we are the writers of our own script.
Life is a direct reflection of the choices that we make. That the good, bad, ugly, and everything in between is a direct result of our actions. It’s a cop-out to believe that chance is what makes the great, great. If we can train ourselves to truly believe that everything is by choice, opportunity opens.
2 ROUNDS :20 ON // :10 OFF
MVMT 1 – High Knees
MVMT 2 – Butt Kickers
MVMT 3 – Air Squats
MVMT 4 – Pike Push-Ups
Every 5 Minutes x 5 Sets:
200 Meter Run
15 Burpees
200 Meter Run
Rounds begin every 5 minutes in this simple bodyweight interval workout
You’ll complete the three stations for time and rest whatever time remains until the next round begins
Rounds begin on the 0-5-10-15-20
Record your time following the second 200 meter run
Your score is the slowest of the 5 rounds
We’re looking for these rounds to take no more than 4 minutes – giving you at least 1 minute of rest