CrossFit East River – WOD
Overhead Squat (E 2:30 x 6
Scale: 5rm)
– We are testing the OHS today from the rack.
– Ensure a good build up in order to make sure positions are fully warmed up before attempting heavier weights.
– If anyone has not been doing OHS this cycle, have them perform 5 OHS with a very light load or empty bar/PVC to work on positions today.
Stabilization Midline (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 8min
2-4-6-8-10…etc. OHS
5-10-15-20…etc V-ups / Tucks
OHS: +2
V-up: +5
s: 45/35
x: 95/65
– The v-ups will challenge the stabilization of the BB for the OHS. Athletes should make sure they take their time to keep the bar OH for large sets in the squats.